![bird on a wire. heh. canada_trust.jpg](http://fubsy.net/images/digicam/canada_trust.jpg)
so, i’ve mentioned that i’m trying to follow weight watchers in an attempt to reach a healthy body weight. part of the whole online experience is reading and interacting on the message boards available. it’s been interesting and informative and, while i’m not looking to form any kind of relationships with the people on them, i’ve participated in a few conversations on topics i have something to say about.
what’s really caught my attention is the number of the really big women (my size and much larger) who have boyfriends, fiances and husbands. it’s been a big shock to all my preconceptions that if i’m fat, i can’t possibly be attractive to someone. especially enough to be in a long-term relationship. i’ve tried to rationalize it in my mind by saying “well, they were probably skinny when they got married and then they put on the weight”. not very charitable of me, i know; but i’ve never pretended to be a better person than i am.
it’s really challenging for me to believe that there are men out there who can get past the rolls and the stretch marks and can see the person and find them attractive enough to fall in love. it goes against everything i’ve ever believed about men and the dynamics of attraction. yeah, i know there are guys who are “fat admirers” and “chubby chasers” but i don’t want to be wanted just because i’m fat, either. i don’t know if there’s any answer for me right now. it’s always been a “when i’m skinny, i’ll find someone to love me” kind of thought-process. now that i’m actively participating in a solution that could result in my finally becoming skinny (relatively, of course), all the things i put off until then are coming forward for consideration. it’s made for a lot of thinking.
in other weight-related news, as of this morning i’ve lost sixteen pounds. it’s been a rocky last two weeks with a bit of a scale hiccough, but i think i’m over that now. i’ve been trying to exercise semi-consistantly (dear god, can i sweat). my jeans, and even my underpants, are getting really baggy. but, for all that, i can’t seem to *see* any changes. debbie, my fitness cheerleader (she lost 75lbs years ago and is this awesomely fit, strong, woman), says i’m looking really good so far; but, i can’t help but think “um, it’s sixteen pounds. you can’t possibly see results this early”. sometimes i think i can see a hint of collarbone or more definition in my cheeks, but then i give my head a shake and realize that even if i am seeing very minor changes, i’ve still got a very long way to go.
it’s really hard not to get discouraged when you know the road ahead is a long one. i’m not good with long-term goals. i, like pretty much everybody, wants everything NOW, or even YESTERDAY. i know, up here in my logical brain, that this is something that will take a long time and there will be ups and downs. there will be big losses, small losses and even small gains along the way. i need to find a way to cope with what i perceive as setbacks on this journey. whee, more stuff to think about!
oh, by the way, this gratuituous mention of gin is for (the other) heather. comment away, babe.