i want to make a road trip to bellis fair mall before the weather turns icky for the season. who’s willing to drive (since i still don’t trust my car to make the trip)? who wants to go splurge on method and bath & body works? who’s going to scarf down good american taco bell with me on the way home?
it’s only an hour and a half from downtown! we can even go after work one evening! c’mon… you know you want to.

good, no, great weekend. friday turned out much better than its beginning fortold. no photos to show. lots of work this week.
smiling until your cheeks hurt is very, very cool.

i need the help of culinary adventurous vancouverites. in two days, out of towners are coming to visit for the day and they want good dim sum for lunch somwhere in the region of granville island (which mostly means not crossing any more bridges to get to the restaurant).
if you know of such a place which would be open for lunch on a thursday and is quality dim sum, i’d really appreciate the information. sooner rather than later so they can map their route.
thanks in advance!

i was going to bore you all with a list of the 87 dvds i’ve watched since joining the canadian netflix clone vhq online, whom i love more than words can say.

87 dvds. 55 weeks. $19.95 per month. 1.58 dvds per week. $2.75 per dvd.

not bad, huh? click for the list.

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i forgot to turn on my ftp server before i left the house this morning, so no photo today. i’m sorry. then again, you got two photos over the weekend so i don’t think you have any reason to complain, do you?
back at work and not very glad of it. i wasn’t off quite long enough to get so bored that working is a relief. maybe another three weeks would have done it. too bad i won’t have the chance to find out.
mom found a bottle of sugar-free black cherry jones soda with my photo on the label. it was the only one, but i’m still impressed it found its way to sleepy little parksville of all places. have you found your bottle yet?
i feel like i’m on the verge of a windfall. i want to buy a lot of lottery tickets to enable that. maybe it’s just having money in the bank and a big plan for my finances. whatever it is, it’s making it very hard to resist buying an ibook on ebay. hm. internet. hi, internet! i’m looking for a gently used 12″ ibook g4 for portable photo storage and mild computing while away from home. i’m cheap, so less than $800 would be ideal, as would airport extreme installed. anyone know anyone with an ibook they’re looking to sell to a worthy girl with a wee bit of mac lust?
my mechanic must love me something special. after determining that the reason smoke came out from under the hood of my car when i was stopped at lights was because of a crack in the valve cover he found me a used replacement for half the price of a new one (cash, no tax) and didn’t charge me any labour to swap it out. i don’t know what i did to deserve such treatment, but i’ll take it! i was very grateful that i didn’t have to give him my “do as much as you can, but i’m not spending more than $500” speech. now i just have to get it to midas and make them replace the muffler under warranty so you can’t hear me coming six blocks away. mrawr, stealtheather.

“You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.”
“There are people who can love you dearly, but just don’t know how to show it.”

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i am in a supremely foul mood. i’m just WAITING for someone to get in my way so i can fucking tear into them. oh. my. god. i just want to let LOOSE and unload all my darkness.
update: i got to snap at someone. i feel much better now.

i’m seriously considering discontinuing my rss feeds because, and it’s proven, that when people read sites in newsreaders, they DON’T FUCKING LEAVE COMMENTS! grr.
leave comments. comments make me happy.

what i want:

you see everything you see every part
you see all my light and you love my dark
you dig everything of which i’m ashamed
there’s not anything to which you can’t relate
and you’re still here

– ‘everything’, alanis morrisette

what i got:

i walk a lonely road
the only one that i have ever known
don’t know where it goes
but it’s home to me and i walk alone
i walk this empty street
on the boulevard of broken dreams
where the city sleeps
and i’m the only one and i walk alone

– ‘boulevard of broken dreams’, green day

don’t forget, if you live in the greater vancouver regional district (or are visiting from strange and foreign land such as, say, minnesota), the 4th official darren barefoot sanctioned blog meetup-like thing is this week.
when: thursday, february 17th 7pm and up
where: the whip, upstairs (map)
c’mon. you know you wanna!

Most airlines don’t serve peanuts anymore. The twelve of you with allergies and law degrees ruined it for the rest of us. Fuckers.

thank you, jimbo. bring me back a penguin!

okay, so i’ve gotten the new webhost set up and, as i’ve mentioned, it should be visible to everyone in the next couple of days.
of course, since i was moving locations, i decided to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of moveable type while i was at it. i really wanted to take advantage of dynamic archiving (since part of the problems i had at my last host was from my rebuilding over two thousand archive pages when i made changes to the stuff on the sidebar) and future posting, which i just think is really cool.
one of the problems with upgrading or reinstalling mt is that i lose all the small changes i’ve made to the code to make things work the way i like them. this upgrade also required that i upgrade mt-blacklist and both of the new applications have totally revamped their code since the last time i fiddled with hacks. therefore, now that i’ve figured out where to make these changes, i’m archiving them here on the blog and making them available to anyone who googles successfully. i couldn’t find direct answers, so i hope this will help someone somewhere.
first, is my version of the more meaningful comment notifications tweak:

in file: /plugins/Blacklist/lib/Blacklist/App/Sumbmission.pm
(at or near) line 735
change it from:

  my %head = ( To => $recipients,
      From => $from_addr,
      Subject =>
            '[' . $blog->name . '] ' .
            $app->translate('New Comment Posted to \'[_1]\'',


# HACK:  alter the comment notification subject appearance
#   was:   [freakishly prompt] New Comment Posted to 'help!'
#   now:   [ help! ] by Bubba - freakishly prompt
# first found at http://www.promoguy.net/archives/002159.php
   my %head =  ( To => $recipients,
      From => $from_addr,
      Subject => '[ ' . $entry->title . ' ] by ' . 
                 $comment->author . ' - ' . $blog->name

second, my version of the comment notification hack (comments you make on your own blog will no longer be emailed to you):

in file: /plugins/Blacklist/lib/Blacklist/App/Sumbmission.pm
(at or near) line 810
change it from:

    MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body)
        or return $app->handle_error(MT::Mail->errstr());


# HACK:  prevent your own comments from being emailed to you
# first found at
# http://www.kalsey.com/2002/08/comment_notification_hack/
    MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body)
        unless $author->email eq $comment->email;
#    or return $app->handle_error(MT::Mail->errstr());

these work for me in mt 3.15 and mt-blacklist 2.04b. no warranties expressed or implied, your mileage may vary and i take NO responsibility for the outcome. before you change anything, remember to save a copy of the original file. it’s only common sense.

i need suggestions.
if you could ask me any three questions, what would they be? alternatively (or additionally), what are the three things you’re most curious about me? please ask them in the comments and they shall become my new about page.
additionally, if you cared about this site’s colophon, what would you like to see in it?

sorry the site was down. it’s a long story, i’ll fill you in later. i just got home from the island where i went for a memorial. comments are disabled until further notice. if you need to get ahold of me, please gmail.
update: okay… they’re back. i had to do some server maintenance.

in this day and age there is absolutely no excuse for any company of any size or repute not to have a google-able website which has, at the very least, current contact information with which one can actually obtain a response from a real, live person.
to recap, the three minimum requirements of a good, basic business web presence:
– a website which is kept up to date
– some sort of search engine optimization program so that it is not buried on page 14 of search results
– someone dedicated to answering email enquiries in a timely and professional manner

school started again last night. welcome to the world of cranky wednesdays! i know i’m cranky because EVERY FUCKING DRIVER on my commute to work did something to piss me off. i’m not a big road-rager, but, holy goat fuck, was i screaming this morning. oy!
in better news, karen phoned me last night to tell me the t-shirt i bought her arrived, it fits perfectly and she loves it. that made me happy. there’s something so satisfying about finding the perfect gift for someone.
so, it’s been about four days since the temperature stopped flirting with negative numbers and the rains have started to come down like noah used to know. i’ll always choose rain over snow, but there’s a new twist on temperature changes affecting my life. have i mentioned that the heat in my building is centrally controlled? the individual apartments have no thermostats. we’re at the mercy of whatever the boiler is set to. well, it took pavel the super a week to catch up to the cold and turn the heat up (just when i’d gotten used to wearing flannel and furry slippers). now, four days after the thaw, my apartment is like a sauna. i have all my windows and the balcony door open just to take the edge off. my bedroom… well, it’s a good thing i have all that new space in my bed so it’s just a matter of rolling over to find a cool spot on the mattress during the night.
i’m the kind of person that has to have a cold room to sleep in. i turn in to a furnace once i’m under the überblankie and it’s a matter of survival to keep the ambient temperature outside of my downy cocoon very near chilly so i don’t melt during the night. this reallycold/reallyhot yo-yo i’m living in is starting to get to me. i guess i should just remind myself that this time last year i was in the same situation, but it was because controlling the craptastic electric baseboard heater was like trying trying to wrangle cats. but at least i could turn the goddamn heat off at night!