this is what i did on my long weekend. well, it wasn’t *all* i did. there were also blockbusters watched, shopping done, meals eaten, flowers picked, aunts visited, ferries ridden, computers fixed and pillows stolen.
now i’m sleepy and i don’t want to go to school tonight. wah.
still breathing.
i don’t think i like this layout anymore.
i was just reaching the conclusion of the first piece of fiction i’ve been inclined to write here in a very long time when my browser crashed, taking it all with it. i’d try to recreate it but it never works out the same and this was just too emotional to try and piece it back together.
i’m sorry. you really would have liked it.
ooh, my first this-or-that tuesday, two days late:
1. Packrat or minimalist? i’m a minimalist packrat. i’m slowly thinning out my junk. i’d have more, but my apartment is really small.
2. Computer: desktop or laptop? desktop, but i’d love the freedom of a laptop.
3. Seashore or mountains? luckily, i don’t have to choose. i have both!
4. Carpeting or bare floors? carpeting is nice and warm, but i think i prefer bare floors.
5. Drinking water: bottled or tap? tap, but only put through a brita filter.
6. Shopping websites: eBay or Amazon? amazon. i still have trust issues with ebay.
7. Cute little kitties or big scary tigers? both! i’d love nothing more than to have a tiger for a pet or bunch of little kitties.
8. Front door or back door? backdoor. way more familiar.
9. Lots of jewelry, or little/none? little/none. nose ring and one silver hoop in my left ear.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: At the last minute, you obtain tickets to an event you’re dying to attend. However, you have to work that day! Do you ask the boss for the time off, or just call in sick? it’s not really asking, i’d just tell the boss i’m taking a vacation day.
i just ate way too many girl guide cookies. excuse me while i go hurl. *blarg*
damn you, jodi chromey! now i want the red x-fine version of that pen more than life itself, but i refuse to pay $19usd for shipping. gah. stupid american shipping rip offs. i know for a fact that it doesn’t cost that much to put a pen in an envelope and mail it here via usps.
anyhoo… things are quiet hereabouts. had a lovely day saturday, as you all could see. got off to a nice, productive start (i was out of the house before noon! on a saturday! holy shit!), but i think all that glorious sunshine and fresh air wore me out because i spent the rest of my day laying about like a big, jiggly vegetable. my picnic at waterfront park was fun, though. i have a bunch more photos i took during the day i’m sure i’ll end up posting at some point. aww, heck. here’s one now.

school is going all right so far. every time i think i’m struggling, i’m going to have to remind myself of how much more the rest of the class seem to be having difficulties. it sounds like a lot of them are just not getting it. i’m really glad steve is in my group, though. he’s a real sharp cookie, fun and lively. weirdly, cute shane from class tracked me down via icq during the week. that was pretty flattering.
so, i have a bit of a moral quandry. we got our second assignments back last night and i was thrilled to see “98/100” on the top, but when i looked over the marking sheet, i realized that the t.a. had made a mistake in his addition and i should only have gotten 96. what do i do? tell him and lose the marks or shut up and just take the extra two percent? it’s tough because i’m a total grade whore and i have that quiz i missed because i skipped class to make up for… i’m leaning towards shutting up and taking the grade. stop looking at me like that.
i’m getting really excited about my road trip to ontario in august. i still have a lot of things to plan out before it happens, but it’s going to be so much fun. i’m currently trying to conspire a way that i can “swing through” minneapolis on the way. i’ll only be 500 miles away and it seems such a shame to not make some kind of effort to get there, or near there, to visit all the lovely minnesotans it would probably take me at least another year to meet. we’ll see how that all works out.
my eyes are amazing today. i noticed this morning in the rear view mirror. they’re not just amazing. they’re porn star gorgeous! of course, i had to take a picture. sometimes, even i think i’m hot stuff. rad!
um, yeah… go ottawa go. that’s all i’m going to say about that.
i should phone midas and get my car in tomorrow, but i’m scared of how much money it’s going to cost to fix my noisy muffler and squeaky brakes even with them being “life-time guaranteed”. at least i have that rain cheque for the oil change and my tuition refund coming, so i should suck it up and get it done. bleh. stupid car. i need to win the lottery, dammit!
sleep is still being a bitch. i know it’s mostly my fault for not going to bed early enough, but even when i do make a concerted effort to get horizontal before 10pm i end up tossing and turning all night long. or maybe it’s just the futon. i got spoiled by the boy’s super-nice bed, i think. i wish i could justify spending more on rent. i need a roommate! someone not annoying and who is never there and is really clean and doesn’t hog the tv or the bathroom. yeah, right. i might as well keep wishing about the lottery winning as hope for a roommate like that.
my fridge has too much food in it. i can’t see how i’m going to eat it all before it goes bad. who’s coming over for chicken fried rice and a nice cabbage slaw with asian ginger dressing, hm?
amen! [thank you, sugar]
in other news, my heart feels much better now. all i really needed to know was that the missed me, too.
i finally got my grades for my last course. it’s official. i’m a freakin’ genius! i got 95% which brings my four-course average up to 94% and breaking my streak of ninety-threes. yippee! i’m ultra-chuffed and i want to run around the halls telling everyone how smart i am. *glee*

yeah, so, i changed the site settings to include one extra day of posts on the main page just because i couldn’t bear to have my edmonton photos disappear when i posted today. i love those photos. i love them because i’m very proud of their composition. i love them for the memories and feelings they remind me of. i think i’ll be having some prints made of them.
speaking of prints, a long, long time ago, shelagh (happy wedding, by the way!) suggested i use some of my flower photos to make greeting cards and sell them. well, don’t you know if i thought of using some of my other photos to make theme cards. for example, the turbine photo below would make a whimsical “bon voyage” card, don’t you think? we’ll see if it happens. even if i only use them for my own card-giving, i think it would be a neat idea. unfortunately, i’m not very entreprenuerial. i need a business partner to take my ideas and market them to people who have money to spend.
this saturday, if i remember, i hope to participate in the may day project. of course, saturdays are my most boring days of all, so i suppose i’ll have to go try to do something photo worthy in honour of the occasion.
so very sleepy! another pretty late (for me) night. stayed up putting the finishing touches on my assignment. thankfully, hugo is my new pascal god. if he hadn’t helped me with part of the logic yesterday i would still be at home struggling with it. i need to buy him a present. no, i’m not kidding.
the hockey game was pretty disappointing, but i take all the blame for the loss. it’s been proven than if i watch the game alone, my team loses. i knew i was taking a risk watching it while doing homework. i’m sorry, vancouver fans, it’s all my fault. don’t worry though, i’ll be watching game six with m&m this wednesday (they don’t know that yet, but they really have no choice in the matter).
hearts are tricky things. all that excitement and fluttery, happy, wiggly joy when you’re with someone new who makes you want to touch and laugh and share stories and make memories… yeah, i’m on the downslope. long-distance relationships suck big, hairy, donkey dick. there’s nothing more i want to do than to be with the boy, but he’s over there on the other side of the mountains and it’s frustrating me to no end. i’m trying not to let my doomsday intuitions override the evidence of his admiration for me, but it always is easiest to believe the bad things. absence may make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes it second-guess way, way too much. i just need to keep busy. if i don’t let myself think on it, i don’t feel so crappy about it.
another beautiful day outside. i think, now that the homework is done, i might let myself go for a walk at lunch. take the camera and see if i can find anything interesting to make pictures of. i need more photo-making opportunities. i have about a dozen locations around town i would love to go to and spend the day photographing, but i’m shy when i’m solo. i need photo-making buddies! got a camera? want to explore? let me know!
have i ever mentioned that there are five people at work with the same birthday as me? five! until i started here, the only person i knew with my birthday was tom cruise. considering there are only about five hundred people working here, what are the odds? i think we should have a big ass cake this year. get all of us there to blow out the candles. i better get planning, it’s only 57 days away! *plug*
the weekend, while somewhat restful, was a complete waste of time.
i napped twice, i hung out with m&m twice, i watched three episodes of six feet under (season one), i watched hockey, i ate thai food, tacos and a freaking bag of nacho chips (not all together), i washed clothes, did dishes and baked chicken, i cried, i laughed, and i balanced my chequebook.
and today, i’m grumpy.
the boss is away. i have an entire assignment to do in the next 36 hours. it’s payroll monday and month-end. i forgot my yogurt at home.
someone needs to nominate me for what not to wear. i could seriously use a $5000 fashion makeover.
i’m feeing very black today. if i was so inclined, this would be a good day to go sit in a bar and drink to unconsciousness. i suppose it’s a good thing i’m not a drinker.
i’m procrastinating again. i should be doing my assignment (due tuesday night) but i’m sitting here, reading dirty weblogs, trying not to miss the boy and craving chocolate. i better go put my laundry in the dryer and go shopping or i’ll never get anything accomplished. bleh.
by the way, it’s dor’s birthday. yay dor!
“…Here, dear young lady, I’ll take your little hand and kiss it, just as you did to me. You kissed mine three times, and for that I ought to kiss yours three hundred times to be even. And so I shall, and then let it be as God wills; maybe I’ll be your complete slave and want to please you in everything like a slave. As God wills, so let it be, with no deals or promises between us. What a hand, what a dear little hand you have, what a hand! My dear young lady, beauty that you are, my impossible beauty!”
i can’t hardly believe this time last week i was in another time zone. weirdness, truly.
just got back from lunch at a new chinese place near work. holy crap, it was good. mr. ho’s. i ordered the prawns with vegetables and rice. HUGE! i have more than enough for breakfast tomorrow. although, i wish i hadn’t eaten all the prawns now. *pats tummy* now i’m stuffed and sleepy. someone cover me while i have a nap under my desk, okay?
debbie and i got lottery tickets with our fortune cookie numbers on them. considering my fortune predicted more money and travel… let’s just say i have a really good feeling! gawd knows i need more money to do the travelling i want to do.
okay, lots of crap work to get done before four o’clock. don’t forget… go canucks go! woot!
so, um, is the war over now? i don’t think i’ve heard anything on the news and no one seems to be talking about it anymore. anybody know who won?
no matter how much you may be tempted, don’t try pizza hut’s p’zone. i’ll admit it. the commercials sucked me in. the golden brown, cheese-y goodness tempted me. i bought one on the way home yesterday. it has serious potential for greatness, but a) they’re too big, and b) i much prefer my toppings on the outside where can all obtain a state of crispy perfection.
just don’t do it, kids. you’ll thank me. i promise.
it’s may today. how the hell did that happen? i really don’t know where this year has gone. and i especially don’t know where the last month went, which i find vaguely amusing considering how convinced i was that the month of april was going to last forever just to spite me. speaking of, i still haven’t gotten my grade for my xml class. i want my grade so i can get my money, dammit.
guess who still hasn’t slept! guess who’s about to crash! it’s not going to be pretty folks. i may have to take someone down with me.
oh, yeah… and i miss the boy.