so, what do you think?

i don’t think i’m ever going to be well-rested again. it’s different when you’re on vacation and you’re all keyed up on happy and adrenaline, but once you get back to the tedium of every day living… i just want to be able to go to bed early! i have a lot of sleep to catch up on.
it looks like the rest of my week will be spent catching up on homework i neglected while i was off to the island and edmonton. i’m such a bad slacker, i know. i missed something important in class last week. i shouldn’t have skipped. i mean, i went to class last night and the canucks won. obviously they support my higher education initiative, so i’ll not skip any more classes in honour of their faith in me.
yes, i really am that funny.
the landlady will be entering my apartment today. i tried to leave it clean but well lived in. i wonder if she’ll be impressed or appalled. people’s definitions of clean are really very different. personally, i realize that because i see my apartment every day, so i don’t notice a lot of things that may totally wig out visitors. the dust on my mickey mouse ears up on the kitchen valance, for example, or the dusty floor boards i just can’t seem to keep on top of. i’ve managed to block them out and i pay more attention to things like having flat surfaces cleared of clutter or making sure the tv and computer screens are dustless. i think i’m a closet clean freak. if i wasn’t so lazy, i’m pretty sure i’d be one of those anal people who run around after guests twitching every time it looks like they’re going to spill their cup of tea on the carpet. see? i knew being a sloth would benefit me some day! just think of all the stress i’m not subjected to!
there’s nothing in my fridge but eggs, wilty celery and two very, very bruised bananas. i’m in dire need of grocery shopping. i hope i can manage that on my way home. i have a craving for cod. mmm, cod.
yes, i really am that strange.

yeah, going away. back monday.
it’s been a very long couple of days. i think i can blame most of that on the sudden occurance of near-insomnia. i’m not getting to bed until late and once i’m there, i’m tossing and turning an inordinate amount. to make matters worse, i can’t seem to sleep in to compensate for the late nights. i’m fairly sure it’s just the recent oddness of having to sleep in a different house for three nights and upcoming trip excitement-slash-jitters.
after actually getting my laundry done, meg & i took off for a little shopping excursion in the afternoon. i tried to get a nap in before i started on my homework, but i couldn’t even get that kind of sleep accomplished (do you sense some angst?).
tonight, i’m going to drop off my assignment and then skip class to go to meg’s to eat chinese and watch the game sevens. three game sevens on the same night! i think someone needs to slap bettman around a little. can i tell you again how much i love the hockey? i love the hockey!
remember that quiz i did i million years ago? remember the question about the thing i’d done that not many people had done? most people thought i’d driven a zamboni, being that i’m canadian and all, but you were wrong! it was actually that i’d driven a submarine! while at mom’s i found the photos from that summer’s day in 1984 so there’s now proof for all you disbelievers out there. hah!
okay, i’m going to try to look busy for the next ninety minutes. wish me luck.
home now. sleepy now. too much hockey-related beer. had fun. bought clothes and sundries. saw phone booth and anger management. they were good and okay, in order. found out i’ve lost 14 pounds. go me! glad to be home. busy week until plane ride on thursday. excited-nervous-happy-scared. sleep time now. *kisses*
i’m on the island for a few days.
i’ve already done some shopping and seen anger management and i haven’t even been here twenty-four hours yet. today’s the day we’re making our easter dinner (yum, turkey and all the fixin’s). tomorrow will probably mean seeing phone booth and doing some more shopping. i think i’ve figured out why i do all my shopping when i’m here. there’s not a lot else to do!
it’s going to be a crazy week coming up. lots of last minute stuff and work deadlines to defeat between getting home sunday and leaving again thursday. i’m going to have to take the entire month of may off to recover, methinks.
all right, i know 26% of you use windows xp when you come to visit my site (thank you extreme tracking). of those 26% i bet there are very few of you who know the miracle that is cleartype. it takes a wee bit of getting used to, but i swear it makes all the difference in the world.
how do you get to behold this miracle, you ask? well, my friends, today is your lucky day.
right click on your desktop
select “Properties”
select the “Appearance” tab
click the “Effects…” button
check the box beside “Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts:”
select “ClearType” from the drop-down box below immediately below it
click “OK”
click “Apply”
that is the moment when your whole world changes! yes, you’ll think you need glasses for about an hour, but i promise it will all be worth it in the end.
why am i sharing this secret treasure with you? because i love you, of course! no? well, okay. you found me out. honestly, it’s because my new re-design-in-progress looks way better if you have cleartype enabled. yes, i truly am a horrible person.
working the late shift.
working on a redesign.
working on homework.
working for the long weekend.

well, it looks like i’ll have to go back to work tomorrow. some lucky bastard in ontario won my thirty million. best i can hope for now is that it was a relative of mine and they are feeling very generous.
don’t watch swimfan. no, really. no matter how much you may want to, don’t do it. i think i miss those 84 minutes of my life more than the ones i lost watching reign of fire and that’s saying something. ugh, i’m so ashamed.
today will be a pleasant mix of helping my dad set up his newly acquired computer, light house chores and heavy relaxation. i’m so excited about the next couple of weeks. two three-day work weeks and two long weekends in a row. mmm, springtime adventure. whee!
oh, and “yay canucks!” i’m not really as excited as i want to be about this series, though. i told dean last night, these games have the feel of a back alley brawl. it feels dirty or something. just don’t think for a second that means i’m not driving that damn bandwagon! i love my boys in blue and i can’t wait for round two (hopefully against the wild – that would kick so much ass).
the super7 is $30 million dollars tonight. everyone in my department has chipped in for tickets together. if we win, that’s $3 million each. i think the company will be looking for a new MIS department come monday. *crosses fingers*
my butt hurts.
– i love my new course. it’s only the first week, but even with all the work projected, it’s going to be stellar. feel free to remind me of that in about, say, four to six weeks when i’m stressed out about a deadline or two.
– stayed home sick on tuesday. i slept in and then cleaned the house (and the windows!). both helped to make me feel much better.
– my landlords raised the rent again. i’m serious about it now, i want to move by the end of july.
– there’s a meeting i need to attend tonight which is fine, but suddenly i can’t stomach the idea of going with the people i’ve planned to.
– the next two weeks are going to be very busy but at the end of them, i will get a treat.
– my nails are *perfect* right now. i hope they stay that way.
– i only think of interesting things to write about in the car or in the bathroom. i have a computer in neither of those places. sorry.
– my poor camera has barely seen the light of day in weeks. i’m so very disappointed in myself. i need someone to go on photo-making expeditions with me.
– brussell sprouts are super-yummy.

yeah, don’t ask.
besides the requisite hell of the first monday after the daylight savings time change, my torment is compounded by the being sick and the fact that upstairs-neighbour-from-hell decided that sunday night would be a great time for a party. it took about half an hour, but i finally fell asleep at around ten, only to get woken up again 26 minutes later by her music and loud friends. just that got me all riled up and i couldn’t get back to sleep for about an hour. getting up this morning was like torture. the only reason i’m here today is because it’s payroll day and i’m not cruel enough to subject wilma to that hell when i’m physically capable of getting the work done. i’ll just be miserable while i’m doing it. just to show how dire my situation, i’m drinking diet coke right now. and i haven’t had coke in a week.
school starts again tomorrow night. whee! anybody out there a pascal guru i can call upon for help?
then there’s the boy i found out liked me more than i thought he did. admittedly, i asked the question, but why don’t they tell you these things when they’re current? i mean, really. if i’d known that things weren’t as they seemed, i would have tried a lot harder. i think. who knows? that was years ago. but the me then probably would have. i’m not so sure about the me now, though. i’m much less willing to sacrifice than i used to be.
lack of updates are due to being boring, uninteresting and unwilling to publish the only things which are running through my mind lately. some things are just unfit for public consumption. deal with it.
Cancer – You probably won’t feel much like working today, dear Cancer. You may not be all that tired, but you probably will be bored and restless, and unable to focus. On days like this, it’s best to concentrate on routine, mundane chores that you can do automatically. Get out your Walkman and put on your headphones. Take time to relax during a long, leisurely lunch, or perhaps brunch in a restaurant with friends. It’s important to have some fun. Think of it as an exercise in balancing your usually oh so serious self!
p.s. i think i’m getting a cold. this displeases me to no end.
i saw two bald eagles and a red-tailed hawk on the way to work this morning. it may not sound unusual, but it’s not like i’m driving rural roads to get here. yeah, okay. nobody cares. that’s okay.
i’m sleeping too much lately. i just can’t seem to not be sleeping when i’m at home. i love sleeping, so it’s hard to stop myself.
shit, i’m late for efx.
i’ve recieved two weird compliments in the last week.
from the cute redheaded girl at the starbucks at school: “this is going to sound weird, but your nose ring totally suits your face.”
from marie at work: “oh my god! you have the cutest little ears! they’re just so tiny and adorable!”
in other news, seems cotton ginny and au coton stores are shutting down all across canada. this distresses me to no end as the only jeans i’ve ever found to fit me well come from cotton ginny. i’ll be stopping by metrotown on my way home to stock up on denim. drat. this really makes me sad. and poor. i wasn’t expecting to be buying clothes until summer. i can only hope the price will be reduced. liquidation, baby!