i feel like ass.
i have this sudden urge to watch seven brides for seven brothers.
spent the morning decorating the office and now i’m in a delightful mood. i love the holidays. i love tinsel and cutouts of snowflakes. i love trees and lights and egg nog and candy canes. snow can stay on the mountains, but frost is really pretty on the grass.
spent most of last night in the kitchen cooking and doing dishes and trying to clean the neon yellow highlighter ink from my fubsy bag. i’m so annoyed. the cap came off and, even though you can’t see it, the material has soaked up a pen’s worth of ink and leaves greenish-yellow splotches everywhere it touches. i wonder if i can get it dry-cleaned. i’m fairly certain i shouldn’t machine wash it. tips? i could use some.
there would have been some cookie-baking last night as well, but i forgot to buy brown sugar. i’ll pick some up tonight on the way home. i really want to try this new recipe for chocolate chip cookies. too keep with the whole wintery theme, i even got mint chocolate chips! i’m such the gourmet.
hm, i should probably do homework too… i can do that while they’re baking. yeah!
last night was also spent doubled over in gastro-intestinal distress. besides eating something which really disagreed with my lower intestine, i think my new multi-vitamin isn’t empty-stomach-friendly. i discussed my condition with dr. jim and after a couple slices of (expensive safeway) cheese, my tummy settled down enough for me to fall into a very deep and restful sleep.
i upped my weights yesterday and now i’m paying for it. ugh. my arms are all sore and tight. it’s a good hurt. at least that’s what i keep telling myself.

and they finally put my name on my parking spot! go me!
right now, i would gladly give you all the money in my wallet for a mandarin orange.
in other news, i hate everyone except jeremy today.

i’m bored.
i fell asleep while listening to the hockey game in a darkened room with the uber-blankie keeping me cozy. i woke up two hours and a freaky, weirdo dream later absolutely convinced i’d been asleep all night, but not at all groggy.
i watched all the shows i’d taped all week. i submitted a photo to picture yourself. i did my pilates video.
now, i feel freakishly awake and energized, and i don’t want to waste it. it’s too late to go out anywhere, really and there’s no way i’m going to do homework today. maybe i’ll scrub the shower or cook something. maybe i’ll play some black & white. i’ll probably just go to bed and (hopefully) get up early tomorrow and do those things.
i absolutely love the fog, but the horns are starting to annoy me.

by the way, i’m disappointed no one wants a holiday card. you people suck!
upset tummy. =(
i spent last night not doing anything at all related to homework. most of the night was spent chatting, playing stupid computer games and listening to ariz0na and spyguy mixing live over the internet. wow, i sound like i might actually know what the hell i’m talking about. or maybe not. it’s entirely jim’s fault that i listen to progressive now. too bad i can’t blame him for my loving it, too.
i’m sure i’ve previously mentioned that i live in a heritage house, built somewhere around 1913 and originally used as a boy’s school. there was a small blurb in the local paper about it last week. luckily one of my neighbours clipped it and put it up in the hall for us to see, or i would have missed it. of course, i stole the clip to scan here at work. i’ll put it back when i get home, but i’m sure someone will be pissed when they notice it’s missing. i thought it would be cool to make a comparision between the photo they took in the 1940’s and one i took when i moved in. if you’re interested, you can see it here.
my hair hates me. i should punish it.
i’m half-way done my xmas shopping and it’s not even december yet. this has got to be a first.
if you love me, you will buy me these. no, really. buy them for me.
i’m thinking i’ll send out holiday cards this year. if you’d like to receive one, please email me your mailing address. the random cut-off date for requests will be… december 14th.
american thanksgiving has totally disrupted my life. the internet is very quiet because everyone is off eating turkey and pumpkin pie. all the blogs i read are dead and jeremy’s not at work so i have no one to chat with all day. not to mention how the entire television schedule for the week has been completely mangled because they networks never show new episodes on thanksgiving. why do they do that? it’s a perfect chance to snag a captive, tryptophan-laden audience who’re stuck on their sofas after dinner! then again, i’m probably just jealous because i’m not getting a four-day weekend.

jim said about me: “heather: you hate talking about yourself so much you blog every day!”
i’ve been thinking about that. yeah, it seems like a contradiction that i hate talking about myself but i write about my life online. i think he’s missed an integral… something. i don’t often talk about myself here. i talk about my life and what i’ve done or seen or heard. i talk about things and stuff. it’s quite rare that i write about something deeply personal. i have no trouble writing about the superficial crap that goes on in my day-to-day existance, but when it comes to share the significant issues and occurances, the ones i feel strongly about, the ones that hurt and make me start to cry or throw things or the ones that make me smile and feel loved and appreciated by just a very simple gesture, i don’t share those very often. especially not here. i’m not sure why that is, i just don’t.
i’ve never been very good at letting people in emotionally. i’m a true cancer that way… a tough outer shell to protect the quivering inside bits. my emotions are easily hurt and i’ve gotten much picker at who i let see them as i’ve gotten older. i used to think that if i gave of myself that people would reciprocate in kind. now, i expect people to take advantage of it. i sometimes wonder if that’s how everyone becomes as they age. is cyncism a nature or nurture condition? i’d like to believe it’s the latter, just so that i can still hold on to the dream that people are inherently good and they become jaded because of experiences, not genetics.
of course, i just made a liar of myself. oddly, it proved my point as well.
cake was a bad idea. it tasted wonderful and i got a piece with two roses on it, but now i’m in this weird sugar coma-esque trance-like state where anything other than slowly typing this into a pastel blue box seems like way too much of an effort. dude.
it’s funny… i miss jason today.
there’s a special place in hell for people who ruin surprises.
we’ve been planning marie’s birthday lunch for over a week. up until irene opened her big gob this morning, we had her convinced the entire department was filled with heartless bastards who didn’t care to take her out for her special day. she was going to be so surprised to arrive at the thai place and find sixteen people waiting there for her to arrive.
i’m completely pissed off. *seethe*
oh well… at least there will be cake. mmm, cake.

sometimes, i can’t believe how beautiful it is here. the weather has been abnormally blissful all summer and fall with promises of more gorgeous winter sunsets like this one to come. god, i fucking love living here. y’all are insane to not live here, too.
after three and a half hours straight coding last night, i’m about halfway through assignment #3 (which is due this saturday). sometime today day or tomorrow day i have to write up a draft of our xml presentation to send jane for her perusal. i can’t do that tonight because i’m buying a birthday cake and going to indigo with ritchie after work then i’m back to the coding. i don’t want to still be working on this friday night, thankyouverymuch.
did i mention i dreamt about my homework last night? i can’t wait until this class is over.
when i woke up this morning, my knee was functioning within design specifications for the first time in several weeks. it must be my birthday present from the universe. yay!
of course, now that i’ve said it out loud, i’m going to fall down or slip and detatch my whole lower leg or something.
today is my best friend meghan’s belly button anniversary and my fifth birthday here at work… and i celebrated by being late! wow, i can’t belive it’s been five years already. five years since i left the island and moved back to north vancouver. five years of reconnecting with my father. five years of getting up at 6am and driving in city traffic. all in all, it hasn’t been so bad, i guess. here’s to another five (hopefully with a lot less data entry)!
i don’t know why i’m procrastinating so bloody much. oh, right, because i hate javascript and really have no desire to do any of this assignment. yeah, okay, i know. no choice. i signed up for this. it’s my own damn fault. i know! oh, did i mention that this course is going to be two separate sections starting next term? one section for just php and one section for just javascript. *sigh* now they do this!? how not fair is that? then again, i get it in one term, which saves me money and time, but still… this has been a holy terror in terms of work load. at least jason has promised the final to be “very easy” because the quizzes, labs and assignments have proven our understanding of the material. all i can say to that is if he’s misleading us, i will find him and do something ungentle to his corporeal self.

- lab #15
assignment #3YAY!!- first draft of assignment #5 presentation
- attempt assignment #4 for bonus marks
- attempt assignment #6 for more bonus marks
finish laundrygrocery shopwash dishes- buy dad’s last xmas gift
- frame mom’s xmas gift
- buy mark’s xmas gift
- buy karen’s, dean’s,
meg’s, brenda’s andmom’slast xmas gifts go to doctor about knee(knee doesn’t hurt anymore, no need for doctor)- reply to
half a dozenone rather important email phone about the two apartments in today’s paper(not willing to move yet)- get oil changed in car
- clean interior car windows
- clean apartment windows
take out garbage- iron
cook something to eat this weekresearch car-buying posibilities(i don’t have enough money)- take camera in to be repaired/replaced
buy marie’s birthday cakego to dentist(rescheduled)abuse 20% discount at chapters
i’m doing a really effective job of delaying actually starting the insane amount of homework i have to do in the next six days. i’m doing laundry, i’m blogging, i’m checking on the football teams i bet on, i’m making food, i’m blogging, i’m tidying… who knows how far this will go. i may even clean the bathroom before i start on homework. so sad i am.
by the way, mr. noodles hong kong ramen rocks the free world. that is all.
you know those advent calendars they come out with at xmas time? the ones with little chocolates behind each of the numbered doors? well, it’s a tradition in my family that i get an advent calendar every december. when they first started there were only pictures behind the doors, but it was still a lot of fun to open a new door every morning and discover what lay behind it. when the chocolate ones started coming out circa 1985, everything changed. i mean, come on. where chocolate is involved, people sometimes go a little crazy.
well, over the years i’ve morphed my advent calender tradition into something dark and a little a sad. when i get my my calendar for the year, i immediately open all of the doors and eat all of the chocolate. every last one of them. then i close all the little doors and open them again on their proper days leading up until xmas. that is my confession, may i burn in hell.
here’s an appropriately-themed photo i took while stuck in traffic for two hours last night. no wonder they call them jingle bells! *snark*

i want to know what’s up with musical interludes in wb/upn shows lately. dawson’s creek had at least fifteen minutes of no doubt footage in one episode a couple of weeks ago. it was also pretty obvious they’d even re-shot closeups of gwen and the boys just so they’d look really pretty on camera. i’m as much a fan as most people, but i don’t watch teen dramas for the music video factor. then there were the last couple of buffy episodes, five or more minutes devoted to the singer at the bronze. the second was aimee mann, and, honestly, she’s not really fun to look at so i’d rather not, if if you don’t mind, mr. whedon.
in other news, tyler phoned at 1:46 this morning. i was so startled by the noise, i actually tried to turn my alarm off before i realized it was the phone. we talked for a while, it was nice. i’ve been misisng him lately. what was not nice (besides the obvious of being woken up in the middle of a really good sleep) was realizing that a TWO FUCKING AM the upstairs neighbour still had music on. it wasn’t *loud* but it was loud enough for me to hear every bass beat (or whatever they’re called). she finally turned it off around three-something, just as i was getting off the phone and trying to go back to sleep. i’m fairly sure loud-talking-guy was there and the music was to camoflague sex noises. honestly, i’d rather hear them screw. *sigh* that’s pretty much it, my tolerance is tapped. next offence i’m calling the bloody landlord. at two am if i have to.
jerermy did half my homework for me last night. i’ve never been good at writing synopses, so he authored a wee blurb about xml for my group project outline i have to hand in today. i don’t like half my group and i’m running out of time to do any kind of work on it. for me, at least, this is all moot. i’m taking a proper xml class next term. oh well. after class is elaine’s housewarming out in ladner. whee! then, hopefully, cards with m&m and dean tonight.
okay, i’m off to consume coffee and cold pizza before class. happy saturday, everyone!