i don’t know if i should thank andrea for this or not. now i can’t be a damn ostrich.
by the way, it’s coloUr. *grin*

3 Thoughts on “colour me stressed

  1. Shouldn’t that be, “by the way, it’s coloUr, eh! *grin*”? And don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking aboot! :-)

  2. heather on November 23, 2001 at 14:08 said:

    *flutters lashes*
    whatever are you talking about?

  3. I “realise” that it has something to do with being north of the 49th parallel and/or the Great Lakes. Although in the case of Windsor, Ontario, there actually is a place in Canada where one looks NORTH “whilst” looking at the U.S. (I’ve had the “honour” of been there, done that).

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