i’b god a code im by node. i’m hoping the reason i talked to the six pylons which were in the elevator this morning was due to the dayquil i took this morning and not because i’m starting to prefer inanimate objects to chat with. although, i’d really like it if people would stop fucking bugging me this morning. i’m sick, people! leave me alone!!
oh, how i wish i had an office door i could close.

11 Thoughts on “*cough*

  1. Okay, god…what exactly are you coding your node to do? ;)

  2. Remember, nothing makes you feel better when you’ve got a cold than spreading it around.

  3. header on September 24, 2001 at 10:00 said:


  4. Oh yeah, and I have an office door that you can close… ;)

  5. heather on September 24, 2001 at 12:15 said:

    *perks up*

  6. do what they do here…

  7. as I was saying…wipe your node and then touch all the door handles.

  8. heather on September 24, 2001 at 12:45 said:

    what was that about reruns, guru? ;)

  9. I’m so ashamed!!

  10. heather on September 25, 2001 at 12:32 said:

    you should be. *whipcrack*


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