![state capitol, st. paul, minnesota. state_capital5.jpg](http://www.fubsy.net/images/digicam/minnesota/state_capital5.jpg)
this is the seventh summer i’ve lived in an apartment which gets very hot. actually, the new place gets hotter than the old place, but i’m not sure if that’s just because it’s a hotter summer or there’s absolutely no shade here, but the damn thermometre hit 34°C (93°F) the other night. i just about died.
for those seven summers, i have had one little six-inch fan to keep me cool. the main barrier to having something bigger was that in the old apartment there just wasn’t any room for it. last night, i stopped at canadian tire on the way home and bought myself a 30″ oscillating pillar fan. this thing is sweet. it takes up hardly any room at all and is amazingly quiet. it even has a timer so you can set it when you go to bed and it’ll automatically shut off so that you don’t wake up freezing!
i was so cool thanks to the constant airflow on my semi-naked self i even found the energy to sand and wash the big bookshelf before i went to bed. go, go gadget fan!
but, seriously, these cramps have GOT to go, or i need to be back in bed. either will work.
I have a fan question. when you use that fan of yours, do you aim it around the room so that it’s basicly blowing warm air all over the house? I’ve had this fan trick I’ve done for YEARS that I’ve yet to see anyone else do and it works like hot shit!
Get two windows, preferably rooms apart. open both, and aim the fan so it’s blowing air from inside the apartment OUTSIDE one of the windows at good velocity. this thusly creates a low pressure environment INSIDE the apartment and will act as if a fan is blowing air in from outside the second open window. This 1) Creates a light breeze inside the place and 2) will dramaticly lower the inside temp if the temp outside has any marked difference.
I just aim the fan AT me and I’m happy. ;)
(Of course, there’s nothing wrong with velocity or anything)
Its theme week at FP. First its “i just sit around in my underwear” then its a bathing suit, now its “semi-naked”. And silly me, I always check the webcam link.
But back on topic….
Couple years ago I bought a nice little industial grade fan, I was tired of sweating my ass off and watching cheapo fans bite the red dust in the humid oklahoma heat. Great purchase. It and the small electric heater trade places every spring and fall.
Today however was WONDERFUL… in the seventies. I got to wear my flannel in August. How tripped out is that? Might even sleep with the window open and UNDER the comforter, and not just wrapped around me.
um, ok, you can stop paying attention to me now.
there you go, bruce. a new webcam shot just for you. =)