i forgot to turn on my ftp server before i left the house this morning, so no photo today. i’m sorry. then again, you got two photos over the weekend so i don’t think you have any reason to complain, do you?
back at work and not very glad of it. i wasn’t off quite long enough to get so bored that working is a relief. maybe another three weeks would have done it. too bad i won’t have the chance to find out.
mom found a bottle of sugar-free black cherry jones soda with my photo on the label. it was the only one, but i’m still impressed it found its way to sleepy little parksville of all places. have you found your bottle yet?
i feel like i’m on the verge of a windfall. i want to buy a lot of lottery tickets to enable that. maybe it’s just having money in the bank and a big plan for my finances. whatever it is, it’s making it very hard to resist buying an ibook on ebay. hm. internet. hi, internet! i’m looking for a gently used 12″ ibook g4 for portable photo storage and mild computing while away from home. i’m cheap, so less than $800 would be ideal, as would airport extreme installed. anyone know anyone with an ibook they’re looking to sell to a worthy girl with a wee bit of mac lust?
my mechanic must love me something special. after determining that the reason smoke came out from under the hood of my car when i was stopped at lights was because of a crack in the valve cover he found me a used replacement for half the price of a new one (cash, no tax) and didn’t charge me any labour to swap it out. i don’t know what i did to deserve such treatment, but i’ll take it! i was very grateful that i didn’t have to give him my “do as much as you can, but i’m not spending more than $500” speech. now i just have to get it to midas and make them replace the muffler under warranty so you can’t hear me coming six blocks away. mrawr, stealtheather.

4 Thoughts on “daydream believer

  1. Wow, I’m getting an iBook too! Cats and iBooks, we’re like twins!
    I miss the photo.

  2. heather on April 11, 2005 at 12:18 said:

    you’re the pretty one.

  3. hah, i feel on the verge of a windfall also, but i think it’s cause i’m out of money and i’m running out of options to make money. good luck =)

  4. $#@! I forgot it was sugar-free. I picked thru all the black cherry ones at target on friday and didn’t see it. Duh.

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