definition of insanity:
repeating the same action while expecting a different result.

4 Thoughts on “definition of insanity: repeating the

  1. paige on March 22, 2003 at 18:26 said:

    Haha. Yes, it is. :) All too familiar with that one.

  2. I’ve always found that pithy definition lacking, as it seems just as insane to keep repeating the same action always expecting the same result.

  3. i, jack! on March 23, 2003 at 12:05 said:

    i don’t see that as insane at all. in fact if you got a different result every time you did something that would likely drive you insane. don’t you think?

  4. Well, no, because if it *always* happened that you got different results, that would be the norm… you’d expect the unexpected. ;) I’m not saying it’s insane to expect things to normally react the same when you do the same things, but expecting them to NEVER change is insane… or at least setting yourself up for much disappointment.

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