![always carry a deck of cards in your camera bag. photography_tools.jpg](http://fubsy.net/images/digicam/photography_tools.jpg)
have i mentioned that TAIP doesn’t seem to have done any work in the last year? every time i turn around i’m finding something that’s piled up or been left to atrophy. things i’ll have to fix. today, both my supervisor and manager had little chats with me to check in and make sure i know that they are remorseful for the situation i’ve inherited.
honestly, it’s not bugging me so much. what is bugging me is that she spent so much time telling me how organized, efficient and skilled she was (translated: “you can never replace me.”) and how she wanted to leave me with a “clean slate” (translated: “HAH! my desk may be clean, but just you wait until you actually look in the drawers!”) when she was such an utter and complete dog-fucker. i’m so busy learning new things and trying to deal with each thing as it comes across my desk, through my email or in my voicemail that i don’t have any real time to dwell on the enormity of the things i need to do to fix it all. i even managed to solve a couple problems today and it has boosted my confidence a bit.
oh, yeah, TAIP called in sick today. i’m sure her new bosses are going to just love her.