my lips are really chapped, which makes no sense as i’ve drunk over two litres (sorry, billy) of water today.
anyway, as for the drama of this morning. i really did think i’d be in for a delightful monday. marion, the security guard, gave me a this chocolate mousse and strawberry tart she’d made and there was a falson sitting on the fence as i drove down the hill. i figured they were good omens. it just went into the crapper from there. i was suffering from a serious case of jodi’s mean reds and everything was annoying me. especially the beautiful day outside i couldn’t even go walk in because i had too much work to do. so, i stayed at my desk and worked so much my wrists were throbbing by the time i said “fuck it” at three-thirty. i’ve been great since i left! even went grocery shopping and spent all of my week’s food allowance on staple-like stuff (pb & j, salsa, ziploc bags, shampoo… that kind of stuff). it’s a good thing i still have that 4kg bag of rice to eat until payday.
tomorrow’s a union day, so i won’t be around. wednesday, sandy and i are going out for lunch so i can pick her brain about whether or not i should apply for the payroll position. thursday… i hope is just a normal day. friday, meghan’s making chili for dinner.
i need more water. goodnight!

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