my final exam is tonight. i’m woefully underprepared, but that’s nothing new. my hope is that the work i need to put into our assignment and finishing reading the text should get me back up to speed. having two weeks between the last lecture and the last class was absolutely stupid. stupid, i say!
i’m pleased that i’m getting some sushi for lunch, though. mm, sushi. although, those plans seem to be taking a nose-dive as the other person with a car won’t have a car and i can’t take everyone in mine. bah.
so, tonight is school. tomorrow night i guess i’ll have to go and finish cleaning the new place and lining the shelves. saturday i have to make something for the barbeque/birthday party m&m&d&i are going to. sunday, i guess i’ll start moving boxes and maybe go do some of my pre-trip shopping. i still have to phone the electric company about switching my account and get my ass packing.
can’t i just go to sleep and wake up all cleaned, moved and on my way to the airport?
update: i totally forgot that the ikea sale ends this weekend, so i guess i’m going to ikea on sunday. *sigh* i don’t have time for all this! *freakout*