i heard a story on the news about a man who was hit by a car while crossing the street. it was reported that the man was thrown nearly a block by the impact. this got me thinking about what it must be like to be doing nothing more than walking along, minding your own business, and then find yourself suddenly flying through the air…
okay, i’ve been to the bank, bought a new pair of shoes for the wedding on saturday. mmf. red light. i should really stop at the grocery store and pick up some bread for lunches this weeks. green light. geez, i hate that little chirpy crossing signal. hey, someone’s driving really fast. oh, shit, they’re going to hit… hey, i’m flying. this feels neat. fuck, i dropped my bag. i hope someone doesn’t steal my wallet, i’d hate to have to replace all my i.d. hey, i’m still in the air. hitting ground is going to HURT. i wonder if i flap my arms would it soften my blow? maybe if i roll over like a cat and try to land on my hands and feet. no, that’d break my arms. i should try to land on my ass, that’s big enough to cushion the blow. i’m still in the fucking air. maybe i’ll never land. oh. here it comes. shit! don’t tense up. don’t tense up. don’t tense up. OW!! that fucking HURT! *fade to black*
Wow! I was under the impression that my life would just FLASH before my eyes before I blacked out.
i don’t know if you really think about dropping your bag in THAT KINDA moment!?!? =)
not to dampen the mood, but I saw a kid run across the street right in from of me to catch up with his jaywalking friends get hit by a car…
its not that glamourous.