if you’re warblogging, i am not reading your site any longer. i just thought i ought to mention that.

10 Thoughts on “fyi

  1. i hate to sound like i’m behind the times.. but.. what in the heck is warblogging?
    i’m so un-trendy. :(

  2. Um, blogging about the war?
    And haven’t you been doing that here, Hessie? I’m getting good at just skimming over it. I’ve enough opinions of my own, I don’t read anyone else’s. ;)

  3. heather on March 21, 2003 at 18:28 said:

    (i have commented about it, though.)

  4. fizzgig on March 21, 2003 at 22:08 said:

    but.. but..

  5. you can be safe at my blog :)

  6. oops. i couldn’t help myself? tho…i can’t be sure if you visit anyway. ha.

  7. i can completely understand that. i write about what’s in my head and heart, and this is certainly in the forefront. my brother isn’t there this time, but he was last time, and i can’t bear to see the troops slandered, because he was. and it hurt.
    i can’t censor myself for others. it defeats the point of writing. i’m going to keep reading here, if you don’t mind, because i think you’re awesome. i hope you’ll feel comfortable coming back after the war.

  8. heather on March 22, 2003 at 13:20 said:

    it’s not that i don’t want to read what the people who are writing about the war have to say. it’s just that i don’t want it to be everywhere i look. i need something i have in my life to not be affected by it.
    i will definitely be back afterwards and i’m glad you’re not going to stop reading here because i’m choosing not to visit some sites which may or may not include yours.

  9. Hmm. Funny, I assumed that fat and warm post about appreciating not having to worry about your home being bombed was related to the war. Many apologies, I guess.

  10. ahh, passive aggressiveness. mmmm.

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