he’s here! anthony is across the hall testing as i type this. he swooped in, looking adorable and smelling nice, to ask me if he could put me down as a personal reference. obviously i said yes. i’ll tell them anything to be able to see him every day for six more weeks.
i’m so pathetic… i’m glad i put mascara on this morning, though!

5 Thoughts on “giddy girl

  1. heather on January 9, 2002 at 12:02 said:

    OH MY GOD! HE TOUCHED ME! *melt*

  2. Jenny on January 9, 2002 at 12:07 said:

    OOhhhh!! Some one has a crush!
    Anthony and heather sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love! Then comes marriage! then comes heather with a baby carriage!
    WOOOO :P

  3. heather on January 9, 2002 at 12:35 said:

    in a perfect world, he will leave here, after seeing me again, thinking “wow. i forgot how wonderful she is. i really must give her a call.”
    in a perfect world…

  4. i’m stuck on the mascara thing. do you put different levels of make-up on each day? i have a make-up routine. it either all goes on or none of it goes on. except if i’m going out or dressing up. then it’s me sitting in front of the mirror poking at my face wondering what i could do different. which usually ends up in me just wanting to wash my face and go face-naked.

  5. heather on January 10, 2002 at 15:54 said:

    most of the time, i don’t wear any make up at all. some days, i’ll put on matte eyeshadow. other days, i’ll put on matte shadow & sparkle shadow. and, for the days when i really want to “wow”, i put on matte shadow, sparkle shadow, eye liner AND mascara.
    then again, sometimes i just put mascara on, but those are rare because it seems like a waste without the shadow.
    by the way, i only wear lipstick if i want to get picked up.

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