since i’m all about giving it up to the universe to provide me with what i ask for, these are the things i’m asking for:
the gingerbread suitcase by sephora
nikon 50mm AF 1.8 D lens
blue, automatic mazda3 sport (air optional)
the most comfortable and good-looking sofa ever (in fabric# D330428, tobacco)
dresser (in antique stain), to match my bed and hold all my funderpants
– matching bedside table, for the other side of the bed (hope springs eternal)
ipod nano (white) or a used/refurbished ipod mini (with itrip)
replacement for my 20 year old alarm clock i found one!
coffeemaker, so i don’t have to drink instant any more
– a sweet, sensitive, attractive, caring, sexy boyfriend
– a kitten *purr*

7 Thoughts on “gimme, gimme

  1. I hate to break it to you, but Ted’s married.

  2. heather on November 24, 2005 at 09:45 said:


  3. Heh. “Funderpants”. I think that’s one of the cutest expressions ever. I have no idea why.
    P.S. – if you get a black iPod Nano, I’ll take care of it for you. ;-)

  4. Ooohhh…. I hear you on the lens. The Canon 50mm 1.4 is on my list.

  5. i’m gunning for a lens myself, except mine is the canon 28mm 1.8.
    here’s hoping.

  6. If you were me, (and I know, you’re not) you would opt for the manual tranny on that Mazda. Manuals are just plain more fun, particularly in a sporty little sub-compact job like the Mazda3.
    And don’t let the fact that you don’t know how to operate a manual (I’m assuming that’s why you’re wanton for the automatic) deter you. The surest way to learn is to get one and drive it. It’s easy and you’ll learn fast. It just takes practice. Be not afraid…
    And, manuals get better mileage.
    And, and, manuals are less expensive (both at the time of purchase and over the life of the car in repair/maintenance costs).

  7. I’ve got that coffeemaker and it is the bomb.

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