
can i just say how excited i am it’s thanksgiving this weekend? ohmygoodness. brussel sprouts! turkey! punkin pie! that reminds me, i better pack my comfy pants ’cause i sure as heck won’t fit into my real pants on monday.
oh, have i mentioned that i have next week off work? yeah, baby. vacation has finally come to hessieland. i’ll be going to the island saturday for the festivites, returning tuesday (i know you island-dwellers live too far away, but i still wish i could see you while i’m on your piece of rock *sigh*) for most of a week of sloth. i’ve a massage booked on wednesday and plan to take the car in on thursday, but otherwise i’m planless and i love it!
that means i’m totally open to lunch on friday for anyone who’s inclined! sorry! i’m booked for burritos with jamie. =)

7 Thoughts on “gobble gobble

  1. I thought we were booked for burritos on Friday!?!?!?!

  2. heather on October 7, 2005 at 17:18 said:

    better? ;)

  3. Much better :)

  4. Happy Canadian Turchee Day! (Okay, so I’m a little early, but you get the drift.)

  5. shy me on October 11, 2005 at 09:09 said:

    i hope you had a good turkey day!

  6. is it beer?

  7. awww…. you’re sugar free?

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