it’s a not-so-happy day in hessieland. despite actually completing the assignment from hell on time and with full functionality; depsite having a great evening with friends playing cards, eating pizza and laughing until i couldn’t breathe; despite it being a gorgeous crisp fall day outside, i’m feeling very bloo.
you see, my baby is broken.
she’s not been feeling well for a few weeks now, but i thought maybe it was allergies or somesuch. i fervently hoped she would recover without any traumatizing intervention, but alas, this was not to be the case. so, i’ve gathered up her favourite travelling outfit and arranged transportation to the specialists. she’s putting on a brave face, but i know she’s just as nervous about doing this all on her own as i am. we don’t even know how long she’ll be away yet. i hope i can sleep without her here.
i hope you all enjoy what could be my baby’s last creation. please send her good wishes and lots of healing vibes.

don’t hate me, but if they can’t fix her, i really hope they replace her with a 3800 instead.
Phew! I thought it was the hessiemobile that was kicking it. At least the camera is still under warranty! :)
I hope your camera comes back okay, but I hear that the 3800 is a completely SWEET camera!
that is SO GOOD. you take good pictures.
i sympathise, as my camera is also ailing. mine, however, hasn’t had a warranty in 20 years. let’s hope they still make parts for it…
thank you, derrick. =)
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