amateur porn meets home & garden tv with a little MST3K thrown in for spice. i find this entertaining on so many levels. first, that guys have taken photos of themselves in some of the positions they have. second, that these photos wound up online. third, that they have such horrible taste in decorating.
it’s a great way spend your coffee break, and you won’t get fired for looking at dirty pictures because they blank out all the naughty bits! [thanks eaton]

2 Thoughts on “grace would be appalled

  1. paige on July 9, 2001 at 13:02 said:

    Those were silly!! And EGAD, what awful decor. I feel dirty after just looking at it. My favorite was page 12, but my favorite comment was, I believe, Justin, saying the room looked like it has an odor, and not a good one. *giggle*

  2. kaydee on July 9, 2001 at 22:58 said:

    icky! i’m blind!

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