
for four lovely days i went to bed when i was tired and woke up when i was rested. those were great days. now, at some arbitrary time of day the evil little box which lives beside my bed screams BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP at me, ripping me violently from my restful slumber, terrorizing me with its grating, electronic voice.
i fucking hate alarm clocks.

4 Thoughts on “groggy-butt

  1. Amen to that, sister! :)

  2. shy me on August 4, 2005 at 11:36 said:

    you should get what I gots… it’s an alarm clock that wakes me up by gradually increasing the light… of its light. it’s much less painfull.
    but yeah.. alarms suck. so does waking up on time.
    photo is funny/scary all at once!

  3. When I saw you taking a photo of that mannequin, I was skeptical that you’d be able to get a good shot. Boy, was I wrong. That is creepy looking :(

  4. Holy crap that’s a scary picture. Reminiscent (gah, I can’t spell that no matterhow I try) of the evil Clown in Poltergeist.

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