chocolate ice cream and pistachios do not make for a healthy breakfast.
that being said, my fragrant green chicken curry went off without a hitch last night. i was worried for naught. my friends all liked it and even had seconds! phew. another culinary disaster averted.
now i’m at work, so leave me alone so i can get out of here, will you?

9 Thoughts on “*grump*

  1. i’ve had lunch, breakfast, and dinner at mcD’s 3 days in a row now. can you hear my arteries hardning?

  2. err, hardening.

  3. *hears arteries hardening…*

  4. oh, arteries hardening – i was wondering what that noise was. :)

  5. so what if it’s not healthy? as long as it tastes good…

  6. All I hear is the toilet paper roll spinning…
    Is that the same thing?

  7. hey. 2 days, no entries – what gives?

  8. uh oh! maybe she never made it out of the office this weekend!

  9. you ok, kiddo? you’re so quiet…

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