Just as there’s a time frame for withdrawal symptoms from stopping tobacco, there’s a time frame for reaping some great health benefits. Keep these points in mind, especially during the first weeks and months of stopping.
– twenty minutes your blood pressure, heart rate and temperature in your hands and feet normalize.
– eight hours oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your blood normalize.
– one day your likelihood of having a heart attack decreases.
– two days your senses of smell and taste improve. Nerve endings start to regrow.
– two weeks to three months your circulation becomes better and your breathing improves. Walking becomes easier.
– one to nine months coughing, sinus congestion, shortness of breath and fatigue decrease. You have more energy.
– one year your excess risk of heart disease is now less than half what it was a year ago.
– five years your risk of cancer of the lung, mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a pack-a-day smoker.
– ten years your risk of dying from lung cancer is similar to that of a nonsmoker.
– fifteen years you are no more at risk of heart disease than if you’d never smoked.

in the last year i’ve not smoked 2080 cigarettes and saved at least $728. my breathing has markedly improved and my sense of smell is freakishly sensitive. i don’t have that annoying “throat gurgle” anymore. now that i’ve finally reached the one-year mark, i’m ready to proclaim i’m officially a non-smoker again. go me!

7 Thoughts on “happy anniversary

  1. That is AWESOME!!! GREAT JOB!!!

  2. yay!!!

  3. you rock!

  4. Ooh, now that deserves a party!

  5. wow, time flies. congratulations!

  6. *two days your senses of smell and taste improve. Nerve endings start to regrow.*
    ….ain’t that the truth. I look forward to quitting again, but not the inevitable 15 pounds. Food just tastes SO good when you start tasting it again!
    VERY VERY good job! I’m jealous!

  7. YAY :D I’m 22 years old and have been a non-smoker for…22 years now! :D WELCOME TO OUR TEAM!! :P

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