i guess i’ll have to register this as a domain too…
zaftig (ZAF-tik, -tig) adjective
   Full-figured, pleasingly plump, buxom.
[From Yiddish zaftik (juicy), from Middle High German (saftec), from saft (juice), from Old High German saf (sap).]

7 Thoughts on “happy beltaine!

  1. Well, you’re a little late – but this jumped out at me from the first page of zaftig.net –
    Logan Michael’s site is now up. He is an up and comer on the hip hop scene… check him out!
    I mean, well, you can tell why!

  2. we get the same word of the day e-mail, don’t we?
    the married man i had an affair with was the first person who introduced me to that word, i’ve loved it ever since.

  3. zaftig = buxom??? huh? ;)

  4. zaftig = curvalicious!

  5. mmm…zaftig….

  6. Zaftig is one of my favorite words, and one of my favorite attributes in a woman.

  7. What guru said ….. mmmmmmmmmm, zaftig.

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