if you would like me to send you a valentine this year, please email me your address.

8 Thoughts on “hearts’n’flowers

  1. Ooh! OOH! Me please!
    Do you need my address?

  2. heather on January 15, 2002 at 11:02 said:

    no, buttercup. you’re in the magic addressbook already. =)

  3. Woo hoo!! YAY!

  4. ooh… seven valentine requests so far. but, come ON people! i have 25 valentines which will only go to waste if they don’t find a new home.
    there’s still loads of time, so send in your addresses!

  5. um… you could send multiple valentines to each person, just to make them feel *extra* special?

  6. Rowan would love one, I’m sure. ;)

  7. meeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

  8. me too!! :)) oh, shucks, gotta send the address again.. i like hallmark cards :P

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