damn you, jodi chromey! now i want the red x-fine version of that pen more than life itself, but i refuse to pay $19usd for shipping. gah. stupid american shipping rip offs. i know for a fact that it doesn’t cost that much to put a pen in an envelope and mail it here via usps.
anyhoo… things are quiet hereabouts. had a lovely day saturday, as you all could see. got off to a nice, productive start (i was out of the house before noon! on a saturday! holy shit!), but i think all that glorious sunshine and fresh air wore me out because i spent the rest of my day laying about like a big, jiggly vegetable. my picnic at waterfront park was fun, though. i have a bunch more photos i took during the day i’m sure i’ll end up posting at some point. aww, heck. here’s one now.

school is going all right so far. every time i think i’m struggling, i’m going to have to remind myself of how much more the rest of the class seem to be having difficulties. it sounds like a lot of them are just not getting it. i’m really glad steve is in my group, though. he’s a real sharp cookie, fun and lively. weirdly, cute shane from class tracked me down via icq during the week. that was pretty flattering.
so, i have a bit of a moral quandry. we got our second assignments back last night and i was thrilled to see “98/100” on the top, but when i looked over the marking sheet, i realized that the t.a. had made a mistake in his addition and i should only have gotten 96. what do i do? tell him and lose the marks or shut up and just take the extra two percent? it’s tough because i’m a total grade whore and i have that quiz i missed because i skipped class to make up for… i’m leaning towards shutting up and taking the grade. stop looking at me like that.
i’m getting really excited about my road trip to ontario in august. i still have a lot of things to plan out before it happens, but it’s going to be so much fun. i’m currently trying to conspire a way that i can “swing through” minneapolis on the way. i’ll only be 500 miles away and it seems such a shame to not make some kind of effort to get there, or near there, to visit all the lovely minnesotans it would probably take me at least another year to meet. we’ll see how that all works out.
my eyes are amazing today. i noticed this morning in the rear view mirror. they’re not just amazing. they’re porn star gorgeous! of course, i had to take a picture. sometimes, even i think i’m hot stuff. rad!
You’re driving to Ontario?? In your little Hessiemobile? Will it make it?
And you know what sucks? This reminds me of Reno – we may well be visiting Toronto in July! Arg.
it’s not so bad as then. i’m not going to toronto, thank god. and stop going to ontario, already! sheesh.
oh, and i’m not driving the hessmobile. there’s no way it would make it across the mountains. i’m taking dad’s station wagon! mmm, air-conditioning!
i’m a lovely minnesotan! you should visit me! just not between august 15-24th because i’m going to be on a vacation.
of course, that’s *exactly* when i’m going to be eastward. difficult woman! ;)
i’ll be home, i’m always at home, i’m uncool.
that’s so ridiculous.
would you believe me if i told you i’m going to be in YOUR neighborhood then??
oh. my. god.
hehe, j00 9uyZ timin9 $uX0rZ!