not much to say. today’s my daddy’s 69th birthday (dude) so i’m taking him out for dinner. today is also our department lunch. i baked cookies for my coworkers last night. no, they don’t really deserve it, but i’m a sucker. saw a preview of adaptation with karen on wednesday night. it was strange but not unpleasant. i wish they’d worn hip-waders, though. i kept worrying about leeches. i’m really tired. i need a haircut in the worst way. i feel bad that i can’t accept jim’s invitation. i don’t know what to get dean for xmas. i hate all of my clothes and most of my underwear need to be replaced. i’ve gotten three xmas cards from far away (and made up a song about jodi chromey). have i mentioned how tired i am? god, what i wouldn’t do for a nap.
will you sing the song for us?
yes! sing for us! or at least write the lyrics here! :)
And where’s the “little treat” we were promised Tuesday, hmmmmmmmm? :p
Adaptation: I concur on the hip-waders. Also, you should have stayed for the end. :-P
“between 1 and 100, what number are we thinking of???”
fuckin starbucks
if starbucks wanted to take down north america, they could do it. i’m sure there are multiple starbucks in every strategic location. they’re perfectly placed for a military campaign.
but…but…eggnog lattes!
and peppermint mochas! yum!
as long as i get lotsa coffee and my bearista bears, i have no issues with starbucks taking over the world…
If only it was actually good coffee…
FourBucks is evil. I hate that their coffees aren’t as good as others’ coffees, but they have those damn seasonal drinks down pat. Makes it tough to walk by at this time of year.
again…. fuckin starbucks.