– this weekend, besides cleaning out my closets, i want to go here and see what they have in the way of good, used SLR cameras. if they have something for a reasonable price, i may spend what’s left of the weekend taking pictures of the stuff i took out of my closets.
– lately, i’ve been down to one or two cigarettes a day. total. it’s not really a conscious decision to slow down or stop, but i just haven’t been around places i could smoke more. i could choose to continue having my couple of fags a day and then binge smoke on the weekends while with my friends or i could stop completely during the week and binge smoke on the weekends or i could smoke a few during the week and a few on the weekends or none during the week and a few on the weekends or not smoke any at all. too many choices. i need a smoke…
– i’m having the worst bad hair week i can remember. i blame it on my father. this whole being at his place to pick him up at 6:30am gig is really fucking with my morning ablutions. i’m used to getting up between 5:30 and 6:00 and having until at least until quarter to seven to pad about sleepily before i’m forced to go out into the cruel cold world. i never realized how much that extra fifteen or twenty minutes meant to the preparation of my physical appearance to the world.
– speaking of the daddy cab service i’m running, i really hope his car isn’t ready today and i have to chauffeur him tomorrow. i had been invited to a bridal shower gone co-ed tomorrow after work, but i’d actually rather not go. if i have to take dad home, that would be the perfect “previous committment” to get me out of it without guilt. blood’s thicker than corona, you know.

5 Thoughts on “hodge-podge

  1. sc0tt on August 23, 2001 at 13:22 said:

    …not that you’ve overanalyzed the smoking thing…

  2. heather on August 23, 2001 at 13:37 said:

    so? what’s your point? wanna make something of it? huh? well, do ya?
    *entering hour 22 since last cigarette*

  3. I smoked, I quit — only took 5 days in the hospital to do ;)

  4. heather on August 23, 2001 at 15:00 said:

    good… i was pissed at you when you started. ;)

  5. Goddess on August 23, 2001 at 15:03 said:

    Yeah, giving me too many choices means I’ll pick the wrong one because it’s usually the easiest to go with.

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