![autumn fire fire_trees.jpg](http://fubsy.net/images/digicam/fire_trees.jpg)
it’s Friday! my schedule, and i use the phrase very loosely, for this weekend allows me to sleep in just as much as my body wishes both Saturday and Sunday mornings. this is something i’m looking forward to almost more than what i have planned for Saturday afternoon. </cryptoblog>
tonight, i’m cooking fajitas for M&M&D at their place. i’ll probably also have to rid Dean’s computer of all the spyware they’ve infected it with in the last couple months. oh, and i get to present to them their anniversary gift which FINALLY ARRIVED this week. yay!
i’m totally over my anxious-fear about the new job. i signed the letter of offer and it’s all officially official. i start training part days on the eighth of November and i should be in the job full-time by the seventeenth or twenty-second. i started cleaning out my desk drawers yesterday. holy crap, indeed! and that was just the file folders of stuff. i can’t wait to go through the other side. seven years == lots of crap.
Pretty picture, nicely cropped.
Glad to hear things are finally final. Now go buy your toy!