it is 11:56pm and the current temperature in my apartment, with all the doors & windows open and the fan going full bore is: 28c (82f).
i’ve tried not to whine about the heat and how much i hate it, but really, i’m not sleeping and i feel like crap when it’s like this. i’m a complete and utter wreck at work because i’m up all night in my hellacious apartment. it wouldn’t be so awful if i could turn nocturnal for the duration of this torture, but i think my boss would have issues if i started working 7pm-4am.
i guess we’ll see how long i can go without sleep before i turn into mrs. hyde and kill everyone who dares breathe in my presence.

3 Thoughts on “hot sucks.

  1. fizzgig on July 31, 2003 at 00:40 said:

    Why don’t you try drivin truck for a couple years. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  2. heather on July 31, 2003 at 08:10 said:

    like you didn’t have a/c out the wazoo. sheesh.

  3. fizzgig on July 31, 2003 at 13:28 said:

    I was referring to the lack of sleep, not the heat :p

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