went downtown (granville is downtown isn’t it, derrick?) last night after work. parked at my favourite parkade. walked down to the bay and met up with karen. had dinner at white spot. had my first starbucks egg nog latte. stood in a line on the street. watched the emperor’s club preview screening. drove to kits. came home. babbled to jim. went to bed.
Is the Emperor’s Club as bad a “every boarding school film about a great teacher” rip off as it appears? I saw a preview the other day and was totally waiting for Kevin Kline to be doing an impression of Robin Williams doing an impression of John Wayne doing MacBeth.
you were in the bay on granville and you didn’t visit me at work? i was just around the corner! i’ll have you know that you missed out on some free chocolate.
really? damn… then again, i don’t even know where your store is, so it’s not really my fault. you’re working tonight, aren’t you? i mean… free chocolate…
purdy’s south. in pacific centre, across form banana republic, between ann-louise jewellers and laura petites. the purdy’s near eatons, as opposed to the one near the food court. yes there are two in the mall.