
it’s kind of freaky that three of you suggested burgundy curtains when that’s EXACTLY what i was already thinking of getting. good to know i’m not completely decorating incompetent.
the blinds are back and they are blindingly clean. that was the best $16 i’ve ever spent. now if i can get the super to put a new toilet in i’ll be a very happy camper.
it’s only a week into the new television season and i’m already behind. and i’m going to the island this weekend for my mom’s birthday so i won’t have a chance to catch up. this sucks! thank god i’m not trying to go to school, too, or i’d have to explode or something.
(see, this is why people hate north americans. they consider troubles like mine to be big and insurmountable, while they’re struggling for freedom from tyranny or digging grubs for lunch.)
it’s not even eight a.m. and i’ve already received two compliments.
today is stretch and relax class. tomorrow is a half-day. next tuesday is my party. next wednesday i have off and, AND, i’m getting a massage. then it’ll only be two weeks until my week off. things are looking up. now if only i could work on an earnings model to buy my burgundy curtains…

3 Thoughts on “i forgot my pearls

  1. Dave T on September 22, 2005 at 08:07 said:

    Those sure are some sexy shoes!

  2. Heather rocks.
    (There, a third compliment…sorry I missed the 8 o’clock deadline!)

  3. Paul the UnixCentric on September 23, 2005 at 07:31 said:

    Considering the absolute garbage that passes for TV nowadays, I think I’d prefer tyranny and grubs for lunch.
    Cop / lawyer glorification dramas, medical drams, “reality” shite… Whatever happened to TV being, you know, *entertaining*, maybe? Guess that concept’s deader than democracy… :-)

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