![300mm lenses rock 0455-trash_taker.jpg](/images/digicam/0455-trash_taker.jpg)
so, yeah. i’m totally obsessed with lucy. i stroke her, i sit with her on my lap, i take her to bed with me. i left her alone at home today. i feel like a part of me is missing. it’s just so *hard*.
okay. i’ll stop. for now.
last night i met col at tinseltown for some food court food and the seven o’clock showing of the sisterhood of the traveling pants. i don’t think there was a single male person in the theatre. all women. total estrogen-fest. holy moly. i still cried. i think we all cried. all the father-daughter stuff really got to me. oy. anyway, it’s a good coming of age film. if you’re a girl, you should probably see it.
now i just want to know where to find those pants.
i know you haven’t forgotten, but it can’t hurt to remind you that my birthday is a mere 11 days away. you might want to send parcels having to cross the border earlier rather than later. ;)
i’m stupid tired today. i’d much rather go back to bed than be here today. at least i get to leave early, even if it is for a dentist appointment.
have a good day.
i named mine lily. lucy and lily — they’re like sisters! oh gilly!
i read “sisterhood of the traveling pants”: it’s a book for young adults. was the movie directed at youngin’s too?
it wasn’t a kid’s movie. i’d say it’s good for anyone with a uterus, of any age.