in a hot chocolate & bailey’s induced fervour i finally got around to making up a new about page for myself. i’m sure i’ll edit it a bit when i’m not so chemically honest, so you better check it out before it gets censored. the link is at the right.

3 Thoughts on “if you dare…

  1. cool! i’m a “right wrist watch wearer” too… =)

  2. Kristine on December 15, 2001 at 21:09 said:

    Mr. Layzell was my favourite teacher too. Too bad I didn’t get to stay longer with your guys at Ridgeway before I had to move back to small town suburbia
    Drop me a line sometime.

  3. redsugar on December 17, 2001 at 12:02 said:

    ok, random story from a complete stranger. because it’s response box, and i can (mwa ha ha!), and, um, you can delete it if it’s too lame:
    i have this friend, named woody, who was madly in love with a girl, several years ago. she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed by a bullet meant for someone else. woody was crushed and had a tattoo done on his forearm of her right eye, in memory of her. and her eye was almost exactly like yours. the brown part was only about a quarter of her eye. i think it’s very pretty, and yours is the only other one i’ve ever seen. ok. i’m done…

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