boy… do i have a story for you!
the problems are:
a) i can’t seem to find the time to write it all out;
b) just the thought of writing it all out fills me with apprehension.
the longer i go without regular blogging, the harder i find it to blog. i’m rusty after a three-quarters of a year of irregular writing. not to mention the loss of some of my favourite readers because of the lack of updates. sometimes i think i should just pack it in and keep my writing to photo descriptions on flickr.
then again, i hardly ever post photos on flickr anymore, so what good would that do?
anyway, i DO have a story for you and i WILL tell it. just not right now. and, if i can find out a way to proxy myself into my CMS, i might just get back to a wee bit more regular writing. i hope.

3 Thoughts on “i’m such a tease

  1. I know what you mean about finding it harder to blog without writing frequently…but I’m still here reading!

  2. Not that I’m deluding myself into thinking I’m one of your favorite readers, but I still read your website all the time. I just don’t comment very much these days (anywhere).

  3. i know what you mean on the rusty blogger thing. hey there might be something there – that name, rusty blogger. i don’t know. anyway – i find i am talking about music mostly on my blog, which my friend-readers usually glaze over i am sure. i post a lot of photos, a lot of mixes, and it’s a lot of work.
    It seems like most bloggers have left for the flickrs and the facebooks – but even then people don’t look at eachothers’ profiles. Someone was asking where the photos were from the party I was at the other week and they had been on my website for several days, and also there had been a post about it on my facebook page which they didn’t even bother to look at. How much easier does it need to be!?!?
    anyway, i find it hard to write about my life on my blog ever since my days at coppermoon where the owner would read it and ask me questions about what i meant by x, y, or z and in general pry quite a bit. pretty nosy, pretty inappropriate, but it brings to mind the fact that i don’t want to share everything with everyone, and especially not him.
    so i started writing less and posting photos more, and i guess more music along with it since i seem to have an endless supply of both. that’s where the time goes..

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