
sean is having his new desk assembled/installed this morning, so i can’t really do a lot while his stuff is on my desk. instead, i’m trying to decide where i want to go to get myself some lunch today. i’d kill my puppy for some chipotle, so it’s probably a really good thing i don’t have a puppy because there’s no chipotle for 150 miles.
i’m off to the island tonight to visit the maternal unit. we’re planning on seeing the island and wedding crashers. i’m planning on sleeping as much as humanly possible.
have a good weekend, peeps. *mwah*

6 Thoughts on “island theme

  1. *sniff* goodbye

  2. We miss you already! Bring us back t-shirts!

  3. We need one of these to get to and from the mainland – flipp’n ferry prices are getting ridiculous!

  4. Have a good time — It sounds like you will!

  5. Paul The UnixCentric on August 5, 2005 at 14:28 said:

    “The Island” is a pretty good flick, despite its’ feel of resembling the hybridization of “The Matrix” and “Equilibrium”. Worth seeing.
    And I don’t know exactly why (does there really need to be a reason?), but I really like that shot.

  6. its a cool picture..

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