last night, i finally got fed up enough with the annoying upstairs neighbour to write her a note (as jeremy pointed out, i should have gone and banged on her door and told her to turn the fucking music down. what he didn’t realize is that it took me three years to get enough nerve to write this damn thing):
this is heather below you in #103. i really hate to be a whiner, but i’d appreciate it if you could keep your music (and conversation) quieter after 10pm on weeknights. i’ve noticed that your bass comes right through my ceiling (are your speakers on the floor?). last night was terrifically annoying as, in addition to having to get up at 5:30am, i’ve been sick and have tried to get to bed early. i hope that if you have any similar noise-related issues with me, we can work them out.
on my way out this morning, i tip-toed upstairs and slipped it under her door. i’m afraid now she’ll get all vindictive and do something evil in retribution. i know i would if i got such a note. well, not really, but i’d think about it.
in other news, i’m sick and miserable (i blame the miserable on being kept up by HER until late). i wish this freaking cold would go away! okay, i’m going to quit whining. it’s not productive. this is one of darlene’s kitties, cassie.

karl saved me last night by helping with my javascript homework. have i mentioned how much i fucking hate javascript? okay, maybe i won’t once i figure things out, but for the most part, we have all these problems to figure out but, once again, jason hasn’t given us the tools to do so. i can’t wait until i fill out the teacher evaluation at the end of the term.
okay, back to work. *whipcrack*
cute kitty!!
eh, you phrased that pretty “nice”ly, so i doubt that she’ll be pissed at you. well, unless she’s a total bitch…
i was going for terse but not snippy.