today i’m dressed up at the killer rabbit from the cave of caerbannog. if you don’t get the reference, then you suck. of course, by that critera everyone at my workplace sucks because not one person has been able to figure it out without my playing the audio clips and even then i’ve had to explain. it’s so sad.
maybe i should just rend their flesh from their bones with my nasty, big, pointy teeth.
the weekend was chock full of socializing and food. dear god the food. all you can eat anything is evil and shouldn’t be allowed ever. when i’m queen of the universe it shall be outlawed. oh yes, it shall. that being said, stuffing my gullet with sushi on friday, pizza on saturday and thai on sunday was fun. although, seeing people i haven’t in a while was more fun.
that being said, i’m glad i have a very light week coming up. i like all these people, but i also like hanging around my apartment in my funderpants (sock monkeys today). i have to figure out a balance so i don’t get cranky and say no to all invitations until next april.
happy hallowe’en!
Watch out for holy hand-grenades!
-D <— (who doesn’t suck)
happy halllllloweeeeeeeen ( spooky voice )
david does, indeed, not suck.
Hmm. I suck. Some would say I do so quite well.
So, when are you going to fit writing a novel into your social schedule???
Och! Get thee hence, bane of Antioch!
May no swallows — laden or unladen, African or European — fly overhead. :-)
Hmm, I must’ve missed the link to the photo of your costume.
Happy Hallowe’en, Bootiful!
pfft… what’s (s)he gonna do, nibble yer bum?
i love you guys!
In my dreams, fizzgig!