yeah, don’t ask.
besides the requisite hell of the first monday after the daylight savings time change, my torment is compounded by the being sick and the fact that upstairs-neighbour-from-hell decided that sunday night would be a great time for a party. it took about half an hour, but i finally fell asleep at around ten, only to get woken up again 26 minutes later by her music and loud friends. just that got me all riled up and i couldn’t get back to sleep for about an hour. getting up this morning was like torture. the only reason i’m here today is because it’s payroll day and i’m not cruel enough to subject wilma to that hell when i’m physically capable of getting the work done. i’ll just be miserable while i’m doing it. just to show how dire my situation, i’m drinking diet coke right now. and i haven’t had coke in a week.
school starts again tomorrow night. whee! anybody out there a pascal guru i can call upon for help?
then there’s the boy i found out liked me more than i thought he did. admittedly, i asked the question, but why don’t they tell you these things when they’re current? i mean, really. if i’d known that things weren’t as they seemed, i would have tried a lot harder. i think. who knows? that was years ago. but the me then probably would have. i’m not so sure about the me now, though. i’m much less willing to sacrifice than i used to be.
lack of updates are due to being boring, uninteresting and unwilling to publish the only things which are running through my mind lately. some things are just unfit for public consumption. deal with it.

6 Thoughts on “kill me

  1. Liar! You had a soda Thursday or Friday. :p (Or you were lying then.) On cake day. mmmm, cake.

  2. heather on April 7, 2003 at 08:28 said:

    friday doesn’t count. i did nothing normal or sane on friday.

  3. Oooh, so all the stupid stuff I did in my youth doesn’t count because I was having abnormal/insane days?? Nifty!

  4. heather on April 7, 2003 at 13:54 said:

    yeah, no. everything in your youth counts.

  5. boys don’t say that stuff outright because we gotta make *sure* it’s safe to say it. Usually.

  6. Dor on April 7, 2003 at 21:29 said:

    those of us that don’t wait to be “sure” are happily married :)

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