6 Thoughts on “let the festivities begin

  1. You are so damned cute! *kiss*

  2. wha, i don’t see anything wrong with you…?
    Merry Christmas!

  3. heather on December 24, 2002 at 11:45 said:

    aww, thanks. =)

  4. you are too freakin’ adorable for the real world.

  5. Just how hot IS your apartment? And how many little spaghetti strap tops do you own? And how come you never brign them to Worcester? :p

  6. heather on December 25, 2002 at 22:04 said:

    right now it’s kind of cool… 64-ish in your language.
    um, i didn’t own them the last time i went to worcester.
    happy? =)

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