![karen, and i, love pie. mm, pie. karen_loves_pie.jpg](http://www.fubsy.net/images/digicam/karen_loves_pie.jpg)
at this point i don’t think i’m ever going to be happy until i buy that damn camera. seriously, how many reviews, online camera shops and samples can i look at until i drive myself completely insane with wanting? i even calculated how much i’d save if i bought it at Bellis Fair (note to self: i really have to watch say anything again soon) when i go with Mel and Chris on Sunday. oy. how i must enjoy torturing myself.
my mid-term was worryingly easy. you know, when you walk out of an exam and you think you aced it is precisely when you totally blew it. here’s to hoping i didn’t totally blow it!
oh, right, i have an interview for that job tomorrow. ugh. i nearly soiled myself when i read the email my internals flip-flopped so uncomfortably. i hate interviews, i become convinced i sound like a complete and utter buffoon. what’s worse is that the interview is with the HR lady i can’t stand and not the manager of the department i love and get along well with, but the new supervisor i’m not sure of yet. i guess that means i have to shave my legs and wear a skirt. is there no end to this humiliation?
five weeks ago i ordered a gift for m&m’s 2nd anniversary (which was yesterday, btw). i’d tell you what it was, but she reads the site. anyway, according to the website of the company from which i ordered said gift, it was shipped a mere four days later. typical shipments from this particular company usually take, on average, ten to fourteen days to arrive after shipping. as of last night’s lack of package, it’s been FOUR WEEKS.
i just happened to catch a blurb on the news saying that due to various factors, not excluding security issues and labour disputes with federal employees, packages coming into Canada are facing delays of up to three weeks because there’s such a backlog and dearth of inspectors to inspect them. THREE WEEKS! that’s fucking ridiculous. seriously, there’s no good reason to explain that. it’s not like they inspect every package anyway. geez.
of course, i’m only mentioning it because you might want to send my xmas presents a little early this year to ensure they get to me on time. *grin*
see? i wasn’t just whining (or begging for presents).
Did you change your mind about which camera you wanted? Because, I could have sworn just a few days ago you were saying you wanted a Canon something.
yeah, i’ve been waffling back and forth between the Canon Digital Rebel and the Nikon D70 for a while.
this topic is in the previous post’s comments, too.
i’m amazed so many people pay so much attention to my obsessions. =)
Send your xmas presents a little early to WHERE, exactly?… “Heather, Canada” won’t cut it for the USPS, I’m afraid. :-)
The only reason I noticed is because I have a Canon and I’m curious to see which way you go with it…
i remember! getting to touch your rebel was a highlight of my trip! ;)
Do you really think once you have the camera you’ll be happy? Or will it last a week or so, then you’ll find something else to obsess on?
(This is the question I keep asking myself as I find myself covetting various items, not me being snarky. :-)
And, so this year I have an excuse if your xmas present comes for your birthday?!
I’d wait ’til you get that promotion to buy your camera, honey. It’ll be a nice way to reward yourself.