7 Thoughts on “meetup photos

  1. col on July 19, 2002 at 23:39 said:

    lol, is that second pic of me? why are all pictures of me blurry? ;)
    ooh and my shoes!

  2. Heheh, talk about Close Encounters of the Blurred Kind!
    Don’t worry though, folks, Col isn’t nearly as blurry in real life.

  3. Funny, that’s exactly how I remember her…which would explain the windex dance.

  4. am i the only person who gets anything out of blurred photos? i think that’s a great one; the colours are rich, and the background is defined enough to provide some grounding. hrmph!

  5. Heh. The picture of me was about as fuzzy as my vision was. :)

  6. Wow, that photo of me is absolutely atrocious! :)

  7. don’t blame me! derrick took it, i just found it on the camera when i got home!

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