so, yeah. last night, i went to bed with a twinge of a headache. i thought briefly of taking something before i fell asleep, but i figured i could sleep it off. it usually works. when i woke two hours later, still feeling pain, i probably should have taken something, but i didn’t. i rolled over and went back to sleep. an hour after that, upon waking, i was again stubborn and refused myself medication for the headache which would not die. finally, at five a.m. i double-dosed myself with advil migraine liqui-caps and prayed that the forty minutes i had until my alarm went off would be sufficient for the “fast acting” meds to take away the vague nausea which was starting to radiate from the base of my skull. there was no way i could possibly take another day off work and there was also no way for me to function at work with this calibre of a headache.
thank god for medication. i love drugs, dammit. although my head is still not “right” (shuddup), i can deal with the foggy, slow-mo sensation i’m currently experiencing much better than intense nausea and photophobia i was sure to be subjected to without medicinal assistance.
i’m so grateful i don’t get migraines on a regular basis. twice a year are more than enough for me, thank you.

One Thought on “migraines suck

  1. andrea on September 28, 2001 at 08:49 said:

    i had a migraine from saturday all the way till monday. migraines bite.

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