it’s sad when you have to choose between getting a haircut and buying groceries with your last twenty bucks before payday. i chose groceries, by the way.
this comic sums up how i’m feeling right about now. i’ve too much to do, both at work and at home. i’m starting to stress myself out about it all. i know i need to just breathe through it, get all zen and stuff, but it’s hard when you’re prone to OCD tendencies as i am.
today, i am 33 1/3 years old. get it?
i have decided that i’m not going to even attempt to read the wheel of time books until mr. jordan has wrapped it all up with a neat little bow. at which time i will re-read the entire series from start to finish. it’s eleven books long so far with three million characters in two million locations. there’s no way one can keep up when the books only come out every two years, so i’m no longer going to try. take that, robert!
one word: ponytails.
day three of nanowrimo and i still haven’t typed a word. yeah, i’m really glad i told the internet my intention to participate only to FAIL MISERABLY right out of the gate.

4 Thoughts on “mélange

  1. “It was a dark and stormy night…”
    That one’s a freebie.

  2. Oh and I should point out that it’s better to be 33 1/3 than to be 45 and single *rimshot* :)

  3. So you are long playing? That’s good to know.

  4. I agree with you on the Wheel of Time books. Having to re-read the entire series just to get back up to speed is not fun.
    Wheee! I can make the ‘Ads by Google’ dance in Firefox by scrolling up and down really quickly!
    I’ll stop now.

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