
no time. training my relief floater this morning. oy. i barely know what i’m doing, how the hell can i train someone else?

5 Thoughts on “more sleep, please

  1. Nothing helps you learn subject matter better than having to teach it to somebody else! :)

  2. fizzgig on February 24, 2005 at 23:30 said:

    you’re a woman. faking it should come naturally ;)

  3. heather on February 25, 2005 at 00:12 said:

    oy! uncalled for.

  4. Jeez. No kidding. (Someone sounds a little bitter??)
    Nice photo, by the way.

  5. fizzgig on February 26, 2005 at 00:26 said:

    no sense of humor in this world today.. oi vey

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