
i need motivation.
motivation to take the recycling out. motivation to go for a walk. motivation to take my camera out of the bag. motivation to cook. movtivation to travel. motivation to stretch. motivation to talk. motivation to nap. motivation to give. motivation to do the dishes.
i need motivation to live life fully.
i’m in a rut with almost every part of my life and i can’t seem to get myself out of any of them. the enormity of it is paralyzing me. i can’t fathom where to start.

4 Thoughts on “motivate me

  1. You need to get laid.
    Stop it with the gasps of horror, the rest of you! It’s an *ahem* inside joke.

  2. Start small! And not with the recycling. Do something small, and fun, and enjoy the satisfaction of it. Then something else fun. After that’s done a few times, THEN start on the chores and responsibilities, keeping a good mix of haftas & wannas. Nothing kills motivation like a series of responsibilities! Once you get in the habit, doing big stuff will come a lot more naturally.
    And of course, use your friends as a resource. Share your fun times with them, and tell them not to let you back out of stuff. Sometimes ruts are tough to get out of alone…

  3. and i know just the thing for you to start to get out of your rut! hang out with me! :) hoooray

  4. What -j. said! And, Col, too!
    Speaking for myself, I find it sooo much easier to get out of ruts when I’ve got some positive momentum going on in at least one area of my life — Might as well be something fun with a friend!
    I also read an inspiring novel, which helps immensely when I”m feeling low.

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