i’m quickly becoming defined by my complete loathing for my work and the petulant sloth i sink into as a passive-aggressive response to it. i’m that person. you know, the one who’s always crabby and has very little to talk about other than how much their job sucks and how they’d love to do anything else, but they really don’t know what else they want to do. the person who turns every conversation so it’s about them. “yeah, that happened to me. this is what i did (which is what you should have done).”
why can’t you run to wal-mart and pick up a jumbo-sized box of dehydrated motivation? just add water! on sale every day! imagine how much more star trek our lives would be with everyone running around being motivated to do good things all the time. not just good for themselves, but good for their friends, family, community, country, world. wow. that utopian vision is blinding. i honestly can’t imagine what it would be like if people consistantly acted with compassion and generosity. it’s very white, though. everything would be clean and neat. motivated people are neat by default.
another reason i want to move out of my apartment: hardwood floors. i’d happily give up never having cold feet for hardwood floors. they add another layer of light to a room. reflected light. it’s also pretty cool to go sliding across them in slipper socks, landing on the couch in a giggling, breathless heap.

5 Thoughts on “non sequitur

  1. “you know, the one who’s always crabby and has very little to talk about other than how much their job sucks and how they’d love to do anything else, but they really don’t know what else they want to do. ”
    Oh my gawd! You just discribed me to a T!! I think we should start a group or something. Hmmm, but that would take too much effort. Nevermind.

  2. Er, described. :)

  3. If I lost that job, can I still join?

  4. Well, I just quit mine, so guess I’ll have to find something else to whine about (um, there’s being sick for a week, our rent increasing again, typical house stuff). Okay, worrying’s over, I’ve plenty to whine about!

  5. while you’re out picking up that dehydrated motivation, could you check for me if they have dehydrated lives on sale? i could use both.

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