![when you're afraid to eat, all you can think of is food. leftovers.jpg](http://www.fubsy.net/images/digicam/leftovers.jpg)
yeah, a little more research online and misty memories have pretty much confirmed my self-diagnosis as attack of the gall bladder. i’m a little early for the fair, fat and forty disease, but it’s not really to be unexpected. i was surprised that it was triggered by a bowl of minestrone soup, though.
before i knew what it really was and kept waiting for the upchucking to start, i was too afraid to take anything for the pain, so i spent everything between 1pm and 2am in some pretty serious agony. i finally gave in and called my dad to ask him to bring me pepto or something, but he wasn’t home. i probably could have called meg, but i don’t do crying for help well, so i just went to sleep. i did a lot of sleeping. it wasn’t very restful, but it did turn my brain off to the pain for a couple hours at a time.
the only lingering effects have been my intense fear of ingesting anything thicker than water and my letting down mel by cancelling my appearance at her housewarming brunch (for which i feel like a total shmuck). not eating for a day left me woozy, which, with my overactive imagination, meant that it wasn’t just an attack of cholelithiasis, but something much more dire.
at the very least, the low blood sugar lethargy enabled me to finish watching the movies on my 52 movies in 52 weeks list. three weeks early, i’ll have you note. instead of making a list of movies to watch next year, i think i’ll just keep a list of the movies i watch. while the project enabled me to catch up on a lot of films i’d not gotten around to seeing, it was kind of annoying to feel compelled to watch movies which weren’t very interesting.
me and my headache are going to go kill time until extreme makeover: home edition is on. i do love having my heartstrings yanked on by ABC.
I do hope you feel better soon!
There are always more opportunities for brunch! ;)