i thought it would be funny to have this entry title and then just leave the body blank, but there’s probably someone who wouldn’t get it and say “hey, your post didn’t work” or something and then i’d have to kill them for being so dense and, even though i think i really need a regimented existence in which someone else is in entire control of all my daily needs (food, exercise, entertainment, shelter, etc) and prison would totally fit the bill, i don’t think i’m quite ready for a tattoo or to be someone’s bitch, and, really, i just don’t think i could live without my daily dose of starting over which makes me think i really should have left this entry blank because i can’t believe i just confessed to the internet that i watch that show every day.

5 Thoughts on “now with even more apathy!

  1. That is my all time favorite show and I don’t care what anyone thinks!

  2. Maybe they should have y’all on to start over cured of watching reality TV. ;-)

  3. is it worse than the fact that recognized wendy last night? :)

  4. Paul the UnixCentric on November 23, 2005 at 14:32 said:

    Three words that will help you with better TV viewing:
    Teletoon. Friday nights. Remember Steve Smith, from Smith & Smith? Well, this show is actually his baby, and it totally redeems him from the Red Green BS. Totally rude, totally funny. :-)

  5. fizzgig on November 26, 2005 at 03:01 said:

    Have you forgotten allready?? What with the left wing huggy liberal agenda, all canadian prisons have the full cable package, so you’d never miss your show. Even as a convicted felon, you have rights! So by all means, feel free to take your wrath out on my company management. Start at the top, work your way down. I promise to visit regularly.

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