what else was i supposed to do this afternoon? anyway, many thanks to the dozens of webpages which inspired this new layout. let me know what you think of it.

23 Thoughts on “oh shush.

  1. oooohhh…… :)!!!!!

  2. so, there are no comment numbers? hooray! that gives me more reason to keep checking your site!

  3. and that’s just what she needed…

  4. heather on February 16, 2001 at 08:14 said:

    what else is she going to do all day? work??

  5. hey- quit talking about me like i can’t read you!!!

  6. heather on February 16, 2001 at 10:16 said:

    dammit, scott. you forgot to turn on the invisibility font! shit shit shit.

  7. hey, it’s not my site… it’s your responsibility to turn on the invisibility. (i challenge you to count the i’s in that last sentence… it’s totally overrun… anarchy!)

  8. and by the way… i want the comment numbers back dammit!

  9. heather on February 16, 2001 at 11:50 said:


  10. bitterman on February 16, 2001 at 12:33 said:

    because! and you did it anyhow… yahA!

  11. bitterman on February 16, 2001 at 12:34 said:

    now i want more content! go! write! NOW!

  12. heather on February 16, 2001 at 12:48 said:

    i’m *working* on the comment number thing. it’s starting to piss me off, too, so you may have to just stick it up yer arse and deal with it. =)

  13. heather on February 16, 2001 at 13:01 said:

    that’s okay, i got rid of them… sort of. let’s see if mister smarty-pants figures out what i’ve done. ;)

  14. i’m gonna pretend i don’t see those numbers. :( *pout*

  15. bitterman on February 16, 2001 at 13:15 said:

    ARRRRHRHRHRHRHRHRHRH!!!!!!!! never mind… i figured it out.

  16. heather on February 16, 2001 at 13:18 said:

    good. i wouldn’t want to have to sick paige on you. =)

  17. muwahaha…too late- consider myself sicked! er…something.

  18. by the way, i LIKE your numbers thing now.

  19. heather on February 16, 2001 at 15:36 said:

    don’t know which orifice i yanked that idea out of, but i think it’s pretty spiffy, too! =)

  20. yank yank!

  21. Goddess on February 19, 2001 at 06:37 said:

    I like your new layout!!! Only one complaint, I can’t read it when I’m at home on my Mac. The font won’t adjust to a bigger size. I guess I’ll have to live without your words of wisdom on the weekends. :(

  22. heather on February 19, 2001 at 08:03 said:

    you use a mac?!
    just kidding, i’ll see what i can do to fix it up for you, goddess. or i’ll send you a magnifying glass. ;)

  23. Goddess on February 20, 2001 at 05:58 said:

    Cool, thanks!!

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